Noobie Needs Help

SlickSlick Upstate New York
edited June 2003 in Science & Tech
I installed linux (mandrake 9.1) on this box. Now I need the some more help :). First off, I had to disable the sound services. I have soundblaster live card. When the computer was booting it tried to load ALSI (or something like that) which froze my computer twice until I stopped it from starting. What can I do about this, I would like sound.

Second, I have a geforce 4 mx 420 (i know i know). Are their any updated drivers for this besides the one that came with mandrake 9.1.

Third, How do I do my name!?!? I couldn't enter the funny § for some reason. I pressed alt +789 but it did not work. I had to find my name and copy and paste it to log in, and I had to paste the § I just made.

I knew there were other things I would have liked to ask, but I forgot what they were :). Thanks for the help in advance.


  • RobRob Detroit, MI
    edited June 2003
    Live cards have always had a reputation for being excellent. Sound is one of those things thats a PITA in linux. Most don't run full duplex, some don't work, but a live card is probably your best shot. I've always had both live and audigy's either work out of the box, or work with some hacking, but never been locked up :( There are open creative drivers, might wanna poke around there?? Also, some time at google/linux might find your answer. Sometimes its the stupid little things that fix one issue and create a new one ;(

    nvidia does offer drivers, check around there downloads, and visit the forums to see FAQ for your distro.

    Be nice to yourself, and use standard lower case letters for your name. Also, get in the habbit of treating files the same way, with no spaces, and you will be a happier man in the long run.
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