Freedom Fighters - Anyone got it?

SteTheDudeSteTheDude Rochdale, England!
edited October 2003 in Gaming
I was early for work today and decided to pop into a game shop and I started playing a game called "Freedom Fighters".... I have looked at screen shots and kept up to date reading info on it and I must say from what I played it is a fantastic game.

For those who dont know, its a third person action game - similar character feel of Hitman but a different kinda game.

was just wondering what other people thought? This may be on my "to buy" list....


  • drowddrowd Texas
    edited September 2003
    yeah, i just got it, but i havent had a chance to play it yet. it seems really cool. kind of a republic: the revolution in first person shooter mode . . .
  • T-BirDT-BirD Montgomery, AL
    edited September 2003
    It's by the people who did hitman 2. It was off my radar due to the "consoley" look it had in the E3 videos and the overtly nationalistic undertones (something I'm sooooo tired of given the recent situations), but several glowing reviews - most notably Gamespot and Epileptic Gaming have turned me onto it, and I'll probably pick it up soon.
  • edited September 2003
    I'll be giving it a look-over this weekend for sure ;)
  • SteTheDudeSteTheDude Rochdale, England!
    edited September 2003
    I might go back to the game shop and play another hour on it hehe
  • SteTheDudeSteTheDude Rochdale, England!
    edited September 2003
    and for those who dont know what we are on about, here is the link to the

    official site
  • SteTheDudeSteTheDude Rochdale, England!
    edited September 2003
    hmmm the site does not mention the game cube version for some reason. The game i played in the shop was on GC, im gonna buy it on X-box anyhow, just thought it strange that GC doesnt get a mention...

    I heard they stopped producing game cubes for the time being because they are not selling well enough
  • drowddrowd Texas
    edited September 2003
    i just played through the first bit of freedom fighters, and i really enjoyed it. i thought the story was very compelling and not weak at all. i think that is one of the biggest problems with a lot of games, fps in particular, is that its the basic "aliens landed, gets some crazy weapons, kick some alien butt, game over". fortunately some of the more recent games have done a better job with it, and i think freedom fighters is one of them. so, way to go Io . . .
  • edited October 2003
    awesome game, been playing it for a bit now. and now that hl2 will be delayed longer (probably) it'll hold me over...
  • SteTheDudeSteTheDude Rochdale, England!
    edited October 2003
    i bought it yesterday, very cool game indeed :)

    is anyone reviewing this? if not i can do one....
  • edited October 2003
    SteTheDude = be my guest :)
  • SteTheDudeSteTheDude Rochdale, England!
    edited October 2003
    hehe okies will do a review soon, i a bit busy atm though

    gonna go play Freedom fighters for a bit now heh
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