Whats the deal with MS?

tmh88tmh88 Pittsburgh / Athens, OH
edited July 2008 in Gaming
Is it just me, or did MS completely rip off the "avatar" characters from the Wii? They're practically identical to the Mii's(thats what they're called, right?) aside from having more detailed options. I don't know how they managed to pull this off without getting in any sort of legal trouble.


  • edited July 2008
    True, I think Microsoft did steal from the Mii's. But still, I think Microsoft will definitely present and use their avatars far more effectively than Nintendo. The Mii's scarcely contribute to the Wii community and are implanted in only two game (I think). Where as the MS avatars are used all over the system dash, involved in the 1 vs. 100, and implemented in SceneIt.. and there are prolly going to be a lot more MS and third-party games that are going to use the avatars.

    Also, customization will far surpass Nintendo's Mii's, because further clothing content will be offered after the new system update. Plus they look more pleasing to the eye.

    So I guess your watching E3 too?
  • tmh88tmh88 Pittsburgh / Athens, OH
    edited July 2008
    I'm not arguing that avatar's will have a much deeper incorporation into the xbox live experience, I'm just saying that the basic concept is a complete ripoff.
  • NiGHTSNiGHTS San Diego Icrontian
    edited July 2008
    tmh88 wrote:
    I'm not arguing that avatar's will have a much deeper incorporation into the xbox live experience, I'm just saying that the basic concept is a complete ripoff.

    Obviously, it's heavily inspired by the Miis; there's no argument there. It isn't, however, like Nintendo was the first to think of and use avatars in the way they are, though.
  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian
    edited July 2008
    Everybody "rips off" everything else. PS3 took the concept of an in-game XMB (xbl guide) and trophies (achievements) straight out of the 360's arsenal. Activision stole the Rock Band concept. Sony "created" a motion controller after it was leaked that Nintendo was.

    That said, I think there's more to this that you're not thinking of: is there a better, and substantially different-looking, way to create a generic-enough-looking person that everybody can make somebody that looks roughly like them? It strikes me that the slightly-cartoony figures of Miis and these new avatars are the only logical, ideal way to create a universal character set.

    But yes, everybody takes from everybody.
  • TvManPwnsTvManPwns Manitoba, Canada Member
    edited July 2008
    I personally think that MS saw how succesfull the Miis where on the Wii and went for somthing there own. I personally wouldn't be surprised if they started selling new and "special" cloths to paying customers for Xbox Live points.

    *Sigh* (empty out your wallets for MC again)

    Edit: lol, MS. Changed that. And The special cloths was a prediction on my part. (as in paying to get "special" cloths for your avatar)
    (Maybe wasn't to clear on the post) ;)
  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian
    edited July 2008
    MC? Special cloths? What in the world?
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