Your Favorite WoW Moment.

DareDare SD
edited June 2009 in Gaming
I was just sitting here nicely sedated, and thinking over some of my favorite game memories, and browsed across WOW's.

...browsed, I think I use the net to much.

Anyways, I <3'ed My lock.

Favorite WoW moments are totally with him, but my all time favorite was on a bad night, Kyli was really sick, and pukin' all night, so I was up takin' care of her and cleanin up messes, a buddy randomly dropped by and got me nicely sedated. I put kyli on the bed I make for her outa yoga mats and blankets I change out daily, by the computer, sat down, and started leveling.

I think I was about a week in to playing the game and in my 30's.

I hit the zone Terran Mill is in, and the farm area right at the zone had humanoids, and I was tailoring, and the enemies were only my level to 2 to 3 higher.

So I started killing my way in, and right around then the fun stuff kicked in, and I zoned out, imagining the game as a movie as I had everything macro'd (macro tutorials FTW) to run off the mouse I'd bought for photoshopping a long arse time ago with a zillion programmable buttons, and run it all of it with shift and alt for my diff spell chains and items etc.

And I was just cheerfully bouncing along, grabbing a farmer, starting to drain his life from his soul, listening to cheesy 50's music (as thats what I had on at the time) fearing and dotting as I pulled each one far enough back to not have to worry about aggro, and later was killing so smoothly the respawns werent a problem.

Then I'd go inside and target A was a little cartoony kid and my cartoony lock would fear him into a corner, and take the female mob, and dot it, still bouncing along in cheesy cartoon style with cheerful 50's music in the background, And in front of the cheesy styled kid I was daydreaming off about while grinding and half watching the game, soulsharding the mom, and taking her "eternal soul for my nefarious purposes". But in a sort of, cartoon laughter, "Mwahahahhahaah" with overexaggerated overacting, then finish off the kid. I'd be life tapping the whole fight but using drain health as my filler for damage between tossing fears with the durationed slow on em and letting my dots wear them down, kept my health loss fairly slow between occasional adds and me not wanting to break chain drain soul, due to its return to my mana, and the harvesting of a soul shard effect, when a fear or two wore off.

I'd still lose health steadily on the lifetapping.. and thats where being an undead lock against humanoids was the best. I'd then get to eat the people. XD

Sometimes I'd eat one while I kept the other feared. Again picturing the reactions comedy fashion.

I racked up like 9 levels that night, and of course as time progressed the effects wearing off made zoning out less easy, and the grinding more monotonous, but it'd helped to distract me away from reality for a while on a night I could really use it.

Was one of many of my amusing memories as my lock. XD

Everyone always said that they enjoyed grouping with me, because even though I was new, and made a million errors, my random comments of me talking out the "Cartoon" lock in my head kept them laughing.

Of course, it was written "Dude, even if you mess it, its still worth bringing you for the lolz" But still.

Thats mine.

Whats yours? Im curious. After my lock I didn't invest as much zone out on all the other characters. I was usually just like "Wheres lifetap. Need dots. Miss fear. WTF die from 3 enemies my level is lame." XD But I never studied the other classes as much on forums in the early days, so I was way more fail with them. XD

Wondering what some of you have with the classes you brought up, or your favorite quest or BG moments.



  • edited February 2009
    I've countless stories of playing with my guild over the last 2 or so years. :S
  • edited June 2009
    Sorry, but I can't help but say my favorite WoW moment was... switching to Darkfall... okay okay I'm ready for the next switch already. Aren't we such fickle beings? Here's the next one:
  • fatcatfatcat Mizzou Icrontian
    edited June 2009
    when I got the achievement "Going Down"
  • RyderRyder Kalamazoo, Mi Icrontian
    edited June 2009
    Veteran of the Wrathgate achievment
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited June 2009
    Killing Ragnaros the first time.
  • NorgeNorge Sidney, Ohio
    edited June 2009
    Thrax wrote:
    Killing Ragnaros the first time.
    Killing Rags is definitely toward the top of my list. Killing Onyxia for the first time was my favorite moment though. After weeks of trying with an alliance we formed with a few other guilds we finally got her. It was my first time tanking Onyxia too since the normal main tanks were gone so that made it even better.

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited June 2009
    It's nothing epic, but the very first time I flew from Moonglade to Thunder Bluff on my druid quest literally took my breath away.

    The second best moment was cresting the ridge in the blasted lands and seeing the portal to the outlands for the first time. Wowee..
  • fatcatfatcat Mizzou Icrontian
    edited June 2009
    ok serious

    it was when I made my roflcopter. I flew all over outlands getting the exploring achievement, and then flew some more.
  • FoldingAddictFoldingAddict Montgomery, AL
    edited June 2009
    Mine is probably the first time I downed Kael pre-nerf with Death and Taxes. It was a joint run between them and the guild I was in just for shits and giggles but it was fun to see the REAL pros do their thing. Needless to say it was a 1 shot.

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