Unable to share files and folders between computers

davidlyhuadavidlyhua Member
edited August 2009 in Science & Tech
I am having trouble sharing files and folders between my Desktop computer and my Laptop.

My Desktop computer is running Windows XP Pro.
My Laptop is running Windows Vista Home Premium.

I have created a workgroup on the desktop and named it "WORKGROUP".
I am using a wireless modem/router.

I can connect to the wireless connection on both computers and the internet works fine on both computers.

On the Laptop, when I click "network" through the "start" menu, I can view the laptop computer but not the desktop computer.

On the desktop computer when I try to click on "view workgroup computers" through "my network places", the computer thinks for a bout 15 - 20secs and then gives me a message saying:

"Workgroup is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.

The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently available."

Can anybody please help me.


  • blade19blade19 behind your display
    edited August 2009
    honestly, I don't recall if XP even shows itself on a workgroup listing without any folders being shared to the LAN. Make a folder called "dropbox" or something in the root of C:\, and right-click and choose sharing. give the shared folder a name like "XP Dropbox" for example, and then see if you can view the computer / that folder on your XP box from your laptop. If this fails (always hated windows' failures while using the view workgroup computers thing), try navigating in the address bar in Windows Explorer to "\[hostname or IP address of computer with share on it]\[name of share - XP dropbox if configured as above]<hostname or="" ip="" address="" of="" the="" computer="" you="" re="" trying="" to="" access="">\<name of="" share="" -="" xp="" dropbox="" if="" you="" did="" it="" like="" i="" said="" above="">". just some ideas :)

    EDIT: stupid post removed my less than / greater than signs. I have a lot to learn about these forums :)
  • RichDRichD Essex, UK
    edited August 2009
    In vista you need to enable file sharing

    Go to control panel > Network and Sharing Centre and make sure file sharing is turned on. You may also need to have a password on your user account before you can access file sharing
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