
System Locked - win.worm32.netsky

My 75-year-old mother's computer is hosed and I've been put in charge of fixing it.

It runs Windows XP Home and has 2GB memory

When I got the computer, it had a ton Porn site icon/shortcuts on the desktop, and I can assure you that they got there through some malware -- and not from my mother. Although, she did have some idiot living there for a little while -- and he may have been trolling porn sites.

When I start the computer it comes up with a message saying that the computer is infected with win.worm32.netsky and to run a virus scan. I'm then presented with a window saying that McAffee hasn't been updated in over 7 days -- and asks if I want to check for updates. I indicate no, because I'm not going to hook this computer to my network for Internet access in its current state. I then get a black box with red/white/blue text telling me that the system has been shut down. Nothing short of pressing the power button will do anything at this point. Ctrl/Alt/Del will not work, nor does clicking on anything.

Rebooting in Safe Mode gets me the blue screen of death, and the message:

STOP: 0x0000007E (0x0000005, 0x805331C, 0xF7A2A504, 0xF7A2A200)

I've read a million fixes on the Internet -- but this computer is dead in the water and I'm unable to perform any steps requiring keyboard or mouse interaction.

To further complicate -- I wasn't given the XP Home disk or the password, and actually don't think there even is a admin password as Startup skipped by a login screen and went to a desk top.

I'm thinking that I'm going to need a boot disk of some type that can unhose this puter. I'm at a loss as to what to do from here and need a Major Geek to advise me.
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