Attention System Admins - Experiences with VDI

KwitkoKwitko Sheriff of Banning (Retired)By the thing near the stuff Icrontian
At my office, we are in the enviable position of having a clean slate for implementing our IT infrastructure. There is no question in my mind that our servers are going to be virtualized. However, I am still up in the air with implementing virtual desktops. Does anyone have experience with VDI? I've read articles about the pros and cons, but I can read white papers until I am blue in the face. If I can get some references it would help with my decision. <3


  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian
    Wish I could put you in touch with one of our customers - they virtualize everybody's desktop and like to brag about how many desktop instances they can create at any one time. We use the VMWare View client to connect to them, and I have to say, I like them a lot from a user perspective.
  • BlueTattooBlueTattoo Boatbuilder Houston, TX Icrontian
    I’ve been a Citrix admin for about 14 years. We delivered both desktops and applications to local network PCs and remote users, and in the last few years, used VMware for server virtualization. Pretty nearly every company should virtualize some servers just to reduce admin, hardware and power costs. The decision about virtual desktops usually has more variables and more choices. You can deliver whole desktops or specific apps, or both. Virtualized apps can run on a server or be streamed to the client desktop or both. Considerations include security requirements and user mobility. Do you need to be able to run the company payroll from an iPad or Android phone?

    For a from-scratch installation, you want to know what your options are. There are many. Let several vendors demo their “solutions”. Your current server and network vendors probably have products and partnerships that they would love to show you. Then talk to their competitors. At some point you may want to hire a consultant to help you sort it out, depending on your in-house expertise.
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