What are you up to currently?

BuddyJBuddyJ Dept. of PropagandaOKC Icrontian
I haven't been around much since I got back into EVE. I'm training Destroyers V on my main in preparation for the upcoming skill changes so while that's going, I rolled up an alt and have had tons of fun with the www.minerbumping.com crowd. What's everyone else up to?


  • TushonTushon I'm scared, Coach Alexandria, VA Icrontian
    My "main" is done with everything but battlecruisers 5 for the skill change, and I'm primarily ratting at this time since u can't train into anything else. I do have a jump clone ready to use for fleet ops when I get tired of killing rats for ISK. I do need to get a bs out to where I am for escalations.

    My Indy alts are both tied up with @Harudath's mad schemes. Fun times and a totally different side of the game from bait carriers and roams.
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