Change to Salvage Yard

HydrarHydrar Columbia, MD Icrontian
edited December 2014 in World of Warcraft

We made two changes:

Level 90-94 missions will only award a Bag of Salvaged Goods (level 1 reward) regardless of the level of your Salvage Yard.

Successful Level 100 missions will now always reward a salvage crate appropriate for your current Salvage Yard.

Level 95-99 missions are unchanged. On balance, players who are trying to increase the item level of their followers should be receiving a similar number of follower upgrades as before, but hopefully with a bit less emphasis on logging in every hour or two to cycle through quick low-level missions.

This counters my level 90 mission spamming I've been doing since I got the Yard ... but I do like the guaranteed crates for successful Level 100 missions.

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