//========= Credits = Quantuam VTX, Facepunch, 1/4 Life, #christf2 and Thrax ============// // // Purpose: Ultimate Team Fortress 2 quality config. // // PRE-REQUISITES: // If you have a quad core CPU, add "-threads 4" as a launch option. // If you have a hexa core CPU, add "-threads 6" as a launch option. // If you have an octo core, or a quad core with hyperthreading (i7, Core 2 Extreme) add "-threads 8" as a launch option. // // //============================================================================================================// // Multithreading host_thread_mode 0 r_threaded_client_shadow_manager 1 //Threaded world and flashlight shadows. r_threaded_particles 1 //Threaded particles (Defaults to 1) r_threaded_renderables 1 //Threaded renderables r_queued_decals 1 //Queued decals. r_queued_post_processing 1 //Queued post processing. r_queued_ropes 1 //Queued ropes. cl_threaded_bone_setup 1 //Threaded bones and animations. cl_interp_threadmodeticks 1ss mat_queue_mode -1 // Renderer //BELOW: Enables software AA at maximum quality. Software AA works alongside normal AA, and helps to remove further //aliasing, such as power lines. Little to no frame loss with this enabled. mat_software_aa_quality 2 mat_software_aa_strength 2 mat_software_aa_strength_vgui 2 mat_software_aa_blur_one_pixel_lines 0.5 mat_software_aa_edge_threshold .8 fps_max 132 // Max FPS set to 2x network update rate for optimal performance r_3dsky 1 // Uses high-quality skybox mat_bumpmap 1 // Enable bumpmapping mat_compressedtextures 1 // Enable DirectX texture compression mat_envmapsize 1024 // Raises the allowable physical dimensions of a texture mat_envmaptgasize 1024 // Raises the allow physical dimensions of a sprayed texture mat_postprocess_x 8 // Improves post-processing effects mat_postprocess_y 8 // Improves post-processing effects mat_reducefillrate 0 // Disables fillrate reductions mat_parallaxmap 1 // Enables parallax mapping mat_specular 1 // Enables specular lighting mat_vsync 1 // Enables vsync // Hardware AA+AF mat_forceaniso 16 mat_antialias 8 mat_aaquality 0 //Better Water r_waterdrawreflection 1 r_waterdrawrefraction 1 r_waterforceexpensive 1 r_waterforcereflectentities 1 mat_wateroverlaysize 512 // Better shadows r_shadowmaxrendered 1024 r_shadowrendertotexture 1 r_shadows 1 // Texture Quality mat_picmip -10 //"Ultra High" textures. mp_usehwmmodels 1 / /Uses the high quality faces from the "meet the" videos. mp_usehwmvcds 1 // Use high quality facial animations. r_eyeglintlodpixels 12 // Allows eyes to be rendered at full quality across the map. // Physics (Increases CPU usage in some situations. Don't use this if you're not running Multicore.) cl_ragdoll_collide 1 //Clientside ragdolls collide with other clientside ragdolls. cl_phys_props_max 1024 // Increases the number of non-player physics objects in the game world // Team Fortress 2 Effects cl_new_impact_effects 1 // Uses rendered particles instead of sprites for bullet impacts. cl_burninggibs 1 // If a player is on fire and gibs, his gibs are on fire too. // HDR, Distance Viewing mat_hdr_level 2 //Better HDR. cl_maxrenderable_dist 8096 // Makes everything outside the map visible. cl_detaildist 8096 // Makes everything outside the map visible with high detail. lod_transitiondistance 8096 // Makes everything outside the map maintain highest detail settings beyond the viewable distance. // Lighting, motion blur and bloom r_lod 0 // Removes "Level Of Detail" from models. r_rootlod -10 // Fixes the min/max level of detail at ultra-high mat_motion_blur_enabled 1 // Enables motion blur mat_motion_blur_forward_enabled 1 // Enables small motion blur with forward movement mat_motion_blur_strength 1 // Increases the motion blur strength moderately r_avglight 3 //Models, Rain, Decals mp_decals "4096" //Maximum number of decals visible at one time. r_propsmaxdist "8096" //Maximum visible distance for props. r_rainradius "8096" //Makes the radius of rain fall around you larger, so you can see the rain from further away. r_rainsplashpercentage "100" //Sets the percentage that the rain makes a splash in the water. r_avglight "3" //Puts more lighting on objects. r_decals "4096" // Sets the amount of decals, like bullet holes, that stay on objects. r_maxmodeldecal "100" //Sets the amount of decals that appear on models. cl_detailfade 0 // Don't lower background details as a function of distance // Textures r_lod 0 //Removes "Level Of Detail" from models. r_rootlod -10 // Ultra high player model detail // Other jpeg_quality 100 //Better quality screenshots with F5. m_rawinput 1 r_fastzreject 1 // Uses the GPU to perform z-culling // Good connection cl_cmdrate 66 cl_interp 0.0152 cl_interp_ratio 1 cl_lagcompensation 1 cl_pred_optimize 2 cl_smooth 0 cl_smoothtime 0.01 cl_updaterate 66 rate 60000 echo *************************************** echo *=====================================* echo * Ultimate TF2 Quality Config Loaded! * echo *=====================================* echo ***************************************