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MrTRiot earned the One Hundred.MILLION.Points badge.You've provided Team 93 with enough "Supercomputing" power to generate 100 MILLION points. We can harness this "supercomputer" to militarize artificial "satellites" around the Earth which we will deploy in "space" to conquer the globe.November 2020
LazarusXero earned the Third Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 3 years.October 2020
LazarusXero earned the Fourth Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 4 years.October 2020
LazarusXero earned the Fifth Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 5 years.October 2020
LazarusXero earned the Sixth Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 6 years.October 2020
LazarusXero earned the Seventh Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 7 years.October 2020
LazarusXero earned the Eighth Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 8 years.October 2020
LazarusXero earned the Ninth Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 9 years.October 2020
marcelj earned the First Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for a full year.October 2020
marcelj earned the Combo Breaker badge.Earned badges for 5 different things in one day (now you can say it was 6!).October 2020
marcelj was promoted to Member.You may now edit your posts for a full day after posting and may create a custom user title.October 2020
Thanks for sticking with us for 5 years.October 2020
tcith earned the Combo Breaker badge.Earned badges for 5 different things in one day (now you can say it was 6!).October 2020