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Zanthian earned the 250 Awesomes badge.You received 250 Awesomes. Are you gaming the awesome system? Awesome!April 2017
MiracleManS earned the Ten. MILLION. Points badge.You've contributed enough processing power to earn TEN. MILLION. POINTS to Team 93. Intriguing. You must have a "supercomputer" at your disposal.March 2017
MAGIC earned the Icrontagion badge.Have infected the Icrontic community with an awesome game.March 2017
DontCallMeKelso earned the Curator of Delightful Experiences badge.Have "Curated a Delightful Experience" for another Icrontian; introduced them to a new band, or taken them to a cool local restaurant, or given them an awesome book. Make life more awesome!March 2017
HornBlstr earned the First Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for a full year.March 2017
HornBlstr was promoted to Member.You may now edit your posts for a full day after posting and may create a custom user title.March 2017
RahnalH102 earned the Icrontic Ninja badge.Have accomplished a top-secret mission for the Icrontic councilMarch 2017
You received 250 LOLs. Do you have an upvote cabal? You can't be THAT funny.March 2017
Garg earned the 250 Awesomes badge.You received 250 Awesomes. Are you gaming the awesome system? Awesome!March 2017
PirateNinja earned the Rocket League badge.You've played Rocket League with other IcrontiansMarch 2017
You received 250 LOLs. Do you have an upvote cabal? You can't be THAT funny.March 2017
The-Coolest earned the Name Dropper badge.Mentioning someone in a discussion (like this: @Name) is a great way to encourage dialog and let them know who you’re talking to.March 2017