Recent Activity

Activity List

  • RiffRaff
    RiffRaff earned the Mumble Me badge.
    You've hung out on the Icrontic Mumble server and talked with your pals... or just trolled...
    December 2015
  • RiffRaff
    RiffRaff earned the World of Warcraft badge.
    Joined the Icrontic Guild or play regularly with Icrontic members in World of Warcraft
    December 2015
  • RiffRaff
    RiffRaff joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    December 2015
  • Hero
    Hero earned the 100 Awesomes badge.
    You received 100 Awesomes. You're just awesomely awesome!
    December 2015
  • GHoosdum
    GHoosdum changed his profile picture.
    December 2015
  • Guppy
    Guppy changed his profile picture.
    December 2015
  • Yayo01
    Yayo01 changed their profile picture.
    December 2015
  • Yayo01
    Yayo01 earned the Photogenic badge.
    Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Thanks!
    December 2015
  • Yayo01
    Yayo01 was promoted to Member.
    You may now edit your posts for a full day after posting and may create a custom user title.
    December 2015
  • Yayo01
    Yayo01 earned the First Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for a full year.
    December 2015
  • Yayo01
    Yayo01 earned the Second Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 2 years.
    December 2015
  • Yayo01
    Yayo01 earned the Third Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 3 years.
    December 2015
  • Yayo01
    Yayo01 earned the Fourth Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 4 years.
    December 2015
  • Yayo01
    Yayo01 earned the Fifth Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 5 years.
    December 2015
  • Yayo01
    Yayo01 earned the Sixth Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 6 years.
    December 2015
  • Yayo01
    Yayo01 earned the Seventh Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 7 years.
    December 2015
  • Yayo01
    Yayo01 earned the Eighth Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 8 years.
    December 2015
  • Yayo01
    Yayo01 earned the Ninth Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 9 years.
    December 2015
  • Leonardo
    Leonardo earned the Tenth Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 10 years.
    December 2015
  • Leonardo
    Leonardo earned the Name Dropper badge.
    Mentioning someone in a discussion (like this: @Name) is a great way to encourage dialog and let them know who you’re talking to.
    December 2015
  • Creeperbane2
    You've played in an Icrontic organized Minecraft event
    December 2015
  • Signal
    Signal earned the 250 LOLs badge.
    You received 250 LOLs. Do you have an upvote cabal? You can't be THAT funny.
    December 2015
  • Colgere
    Colgere earned the 25 Awesomes badge.
    You received 25 Awesomes. You are clearly a very awesome person.
    December 2015
  • UPSKingpin
    UPSKingpin earned the Evolved badge.
    Have played Evolve with other Icrontians
    November 2015
  • UPSKingpin
    UPSKingpin earned the Football badge.
    You've discussed college or pro football with other Icrontic fans. AMERICAN FOOTBALL, DUH.
    November 2015
  • UPSKingpin
    You've played in an Icrontic organized Minecraft event
    November 2015
  • UPSKingpin
    UPSKingpin earned the Optimal badge.
    You have theorycrafted or preached about optimal gameplay strategies to other Icrontians. Spencer would be proud.
    November 2015
  • UPSKingpin
    November 2015
  • UPSKingpin
    UPSKingpin earned the Athletics! badge.
    You've engaged in a sporting, strenuous, or otherwise athletic activity with other Icrontians (IN REAL LIFE, NO LESS)
    November 2015
  • Mt_Goat
    Mt_Goat changed his profile picture.
    November 2015