Recent Activity

Activity List

  • MrBill
    MrBill earned the 10 Comments badge.
    No longer a one-hit wonder! It looks like you’re going places.
    August 2015
  • MrBill
    MrBill earned the 100 Comments badge.
    Getting this far requires persistence and dedication. We love you.
    August 2015
  • MrBill
    MrBill earned the 500 Comments badge.
    Settled in, saw the sights, learned the territory, and most importantly: gave back.
    August 2015
  • MrBill
    MrBill earned the 1000 Comments badge.
    You’re practically family.
    August 2015
  • MrBill
    MrBill was promoted to Member.
    You may now edit your posts for a full day after posting and may create a custom user title.
    August 2015
  • Teramona
    You've played in an Icrontic organized Minecraft event
    August 2015
  • Teramona
    Teramona earned the Mumble Me badge.
    You've hung out on the Icrontic Mumble server and talked with your pals... or just trolled...
    August 2015
  • Coldbringer
    Coldbringer earned the Photogenic badge.
    Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Thanks!
    August 2015
  • Coldbringer
    Coldbringer and Tharert joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    August 2015
  • IndigoRed
    IndigoRed and TBonZ were promoted to Icrontian.
    You can now edit your own posts forever and create polls.
    August 2015
  • Creeperbane2
    You participated in the 2015 season of the League of Extraordinary Icrontians... Level 19 hurts, doesn't it? If something happened now to jeopardize your ascension to level 20 it will have all been for nothing. You'll forever be "that person who couldn't quite make it to 20. 19 was a great try though, huh?" No pressure. Just saying.
    August 2015
  • Massalinie
    You participated in the 2015 season of the League of Extraordinary Icrontians... What can be said about level 18? It's a pointless level. It's not meaningful in any way, other than to signify that you're on your way to 20. Useless! Hope you're happy with yourself.
    August 2015
  • Butters
    You participated in the 2015 season of the League of Extraordinary Icrontians... Now you're knee-deep in the slog, aren't you? You want to stop, but the end is so close. Just keep going. You've already wasted so much time playing games with this crew that you may as well just go all the way.
    August 2015
  • oni_dels
    You participated in the 2015 season of the League of Extraordinary Icrontians... Whoa! 13 is an unlucky number in some cultures! But in this culture, it's pretty awesome.
    August 2015
  • trooster89
    You participated in the 2015 season of the League of Extraordinary Icrontians... Level 12 is interesting because it makes 20 seem achievable in a way, but you've still got so far to go! Do you stop now? Do you keep going?
    August 2015
  • cola
    You participated in the 2015 season of the League of Extraordinary Icrontians... Level 11 is really sort of anticlimactic after 10, though, right?
    August 2015
  • UPSLynx
    You play too much TF2. For real.
    August 2015
  • CB
    You participated in the 2015 season of the League of Extraordinary Icrontians... But at level 1, that's about all you did. Thanks for showing up!
    August 2015
  • Darthraiders
    Joined the Icrontic Guild or play regularly with Icrontic members in World of Warcraft
    August 2015
  • Darthraiders
    Darthraiders and wahay were promoted to Member.
    You may now edit your posts for a full day after posting and may create a custom user title.
    August 2015
  • Darthraiders
    Darthraiders joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    August 2015
  • Darthraiders
    Darthraiders earned the Photogenic badge.
    Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Thanks!
    August 2015
  • Canti
    Canti earned the 500 Awesomes badge.
    You received 500 Awesomes. Cheater.
    August 2015
    • BobbyDigi
      Funny and Awesome. This guy is a catch!
  • portzebie
    portzebie was promoted to Icrontian.
    You can now edit your own posts forever and create polls.
    August 2015
  • Braticus
    Braticus earned the World of Warcraft badge.
    Joined the Icrontic Guild or play regularly with Icrontic members in World of Warcraft
    August 2015
  • Braticus
    Braticus joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    August 2015
  • Ivan
    Ivan was promoted to Icrontian.
    You can now edit your own posts forever and create polls.
    August 2015
  • CameronLux
    CameronLux earned the First Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for a full year.
    August 2015
  • CameronLux
    CameronLux earned the Second Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 2 years.
    August 2015
  • CameronLux
    CameronLux earned the Second Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 2 years.
    August 2015