Looking for a good SP FPS

DogSoldierDogSoldier The heart of radical Amish country..
edited May 2004 in Gaming
I just finished Far Cry, excellent environments, realistic AI, a bit buggy, and that ending was outrageously hard. I can't wait for HL2 or Doom3, so If anyone knows of some good games with a great single-player component.. please list them here thnx.


  • RADARADA Apple Valley, CA Member
    edited May 2004
    Sup Dog,

    Finished Far Cry about a week ago. Agree w/ you, I had to be the greatest FPS I have ever played.

    On the down side, since it was so spectacular, I'm having a hard time going back to playing BF Vietnam, or CoD etc. FC set the bar so high, all the other "new" games I have look Donkey-Kong-ish! :banghead: :bawling:
    They're still great games, I've just been spoiled by FC.
  • a2jfreaka2jfreak Houston, TX Member
    edited May 2004
    Sounds like BFV and CoD are both far cries from Far Cry.
  • DogSoldierDogSoldier The heart of radical Amish country..
    edited May 2004
    I was looking at BFV.. and this will be the "one" until someone says different. Engaging gameplay, realistic enviroments, storyline and plot.. these are the 3 must haves with emphasis on storyline and plot.
  • GnomeWizarddGnomeWizardd Member 4 Life Akron, PA Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    An older one but a good one I enjoyed was unreal II
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    I liked RTCW single player unitl I got familiar with RTCW multi & then Enemy Territory which is strictly multiplayer.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    I'm having a really good time with Painkiller, but I think you've already played that one if I remember correctly. Man, now I HAVE to get Far Cry.

    The single player in BF:V sucks, personally. The bots are completely idiotic.
  • hypermoodhypermood Smyrna, GA New
    edited May 2004
    Painkiller was released within the last 2 months and has gotten pretty good reviews. There is a single player demo that can be downloaded. I have BFV and think it's OK. BFV just left we with the feeling that something was missing...

    Painkiller reviews:
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    I think what BF:V is missing is any sort of "campaign" mode... You don't feel like there's a point to any of it... Maybe I haven't played it enough yet... I'm just not impressed with it overall. I had a lot more fun with BF:1942.
  • oCoMiKoCoMiK Oswego, IL
    edited May 2004
    I'm just not impressed with it overall. I had a lot more fun with BF:1942.

    Now you tell us... Can I hold you financially responsible for my purchase of BFV and Halo? Or is this something that I just have to live and learn from? :)


  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    Jedi Academy
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    too short.
  • DogSoldierDogSoldier The heart of radical Amish country..
    edited May 2004
    k, turns out BFVs single player is pretty much bot oriented..sucks, so I got Splinter Cell. I enjoy the sneaky pete games. The Thief series is awesome IMO, and the sequel will be out this summer.
  • ClutchClutch North Carolina New
    edited May 2004
    I agree Dog, I like the games where you have to plan your moves out, and do the whole stealth thing, love it IMO.
  • GuyuteGuyute Gamehenge
    edited May 2004
    Try Painkiller- I only got it 3 days ago (at the same time as Far Cry, BTW) and It's pretty good. I have gotten 2 levels in and let me tell you, you will not lack for things to do (or kill), plus the basic weapon is the coolest sidearm I've ever seen.

    I also just bought BF1942 as well, so I admit I am distracted by that. Far Cry's Multiplayer was good but I have a pretty Krappy ISP so it was VERRRRY choppy...(or maybe it's my Krappy PC LOL I know what yer thinkin')...

    I did play Far Cry for an hour or so (got to the carrier) and I must agree-->COOOOL.

    Anyone play DEUS EX iNVISIBLE WAR? I played DE 1 and thought it was pretty neat...
  • RADARADA Apple Valley, CA Member
    edited May 2004

    Splinter Cell PT is great. The only disapointment I had with it is the familiarity I have with it from the 1st one. After a few minutes of moving Sam around, it was old hat. It kinda made the game feel shorter.

    BTW - Check out the Splinter Cell 3 "behind the scenes" on GameSpy. Sam is FINALLY armed with a VERY sharp knife..................................hehehehe
  • DogSoldierDogSoldier The heart of radical Amish country..
    edited May 2004
    haven't tried Far Cry MP yet, I was jones'n for some Single Player ala Half life, easily the best SP game I've ever played.

    Yep, I agree, the Painkiller is the best weapon for all situations, its also a very well thought out game.. that is, it's meant to creep you out to the nth degree.. definately gave me some interesting dreams. Prime has my copy now.. I haven't heard on what he thinks of it, so I imagine he's tried it.. scared himself, and then burned the CDs.

    I liked DeuxEx 1 very much, that docks level was amazing. Everytime I play a game that includes ships, piers and shipping containers, I mentally measure it to my DeuxEx experience.. nothing compares.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited May 2004
    Nope, you got it mixed up. I already had painkiller. I got your copy of Call of Duty, which I like very much.. I'm not sure who got your copy of Painkiller. Test_tube_tony won your copy of MOH + Spearhead as a doorprize, though...

    Thanks for those. You are a man among men.
  • DogSoldierDogSoldier The heart of radical Amish country..
    edited May 2004
    Thanx Prime. You da man..

    That intro for Splinter Cell rocks.. Until now, I thought the intro for Quake 2 was the best. Thank god for training levels, now the game is easier to handle. I'm gonna wander off see if I can find some patches, the game doesn't seem to be anti-aliasing.
  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited May 2004
    Thief 1+2 were great games. When is 3 coming out? I'm looking forward to that more than HL2.
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