How's This Possible?

edited June 2005 in Hardware
Just wanted to share a cap I made a few minutes ago using CPU-Z and'd I do that?

OK, before anyone starts saying it's a PS I'll squash that by saying nope, not even, this was a traditional cap done by hitting Prt Scr and pasting it into Paint and from the looks of things can be done by anyone else using CPU-Z if they do what I did.

Now, again I reiterate, how'd I do this? Any guesses?


  • edited May 2005
    No ideas? OK, I'll spoil it then, to do this open CPU-Z and go to the "about" tab and keep it focused in that tab for at least 15 seconds then switch back to the "CPU" tab, when you get back to the CPU screen you'll have some fantastic number showing for the first few milliseconds after you swap back.

    Amaze your friends, startle your co-workers, look like the uber 1337 overcloaker... :thumbsup:
  • deicistdeicist Manchester, UK
    edited May 2005
    Multiple instances?

    edit: bah. I remember seeing somewhere that on some versions of CPU-Z you can show an increase in your clock speed as you open more instances.
  • edited May 2005
    Funny, I've never tried opening more than one instance. I'll have to give it a shot....
  • deicistdeicist Manchester, UK
    edited May 2005
    I've just tried it, it doesn't work.... think it was only on certain versions and with certain chipsets. To be honest I googled to try and find out how you got your screenshot and found out about that bug. Wait and I'll find the link again.

    edit: Here's the link
  • edited May 2005
    OK, heh, I just hit 570GHZ this last time but trying multiple instances netted me nothing.
  • sfleurietsfleuriet Texas New
    edited June 2005
    one of these days, these clock speeds that you guys are "getting" are not going to be impressive at all.. those will be the days with the Thz (Terrahertz) processors ;D wow i just can't wait to see what speeds will come in the future.
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