Icrontic Man of the Year 2012

This year's Icrontic Man of the Year is CB Droege.

CB has, for years, gone above and beyond what any community member should do for a group of friends. Almost everything you know and love about Expo Icrontic has had CB's hand in it somehow, from the cool blue and orange prize jars, to the prevalence and organization of the boardgaming events, to the swag bags, lovingly filled and organized by CB.
He loves Icrontic so, so much, and we cannot help but appreciate everything he does for us all. When @Fatcat and @Lincoln and I started discussing this year's MotY, it was no contest at all; CB's name came up immediately and that was that.
CB, thank you for everything you do. This Icrontic year is dedicated to you.

CB has, for years, gone above and beyond what any community member should do for a group of friends. Almost everything you know and love about Expo Icrontic has had CB's hand in it somehow, from the cool blue and orange prize jars, to the prevalence and organization of the boardgaming events, to the swag bags, lovingly filled and organized by CB.
He loves Icrontic so, so much, and we cannot help but appreciate everything he does for us all. When @Fatcat and @Lincoln and I started discussing this year's MotY, it was no contest at all; CB's name came up immediately and that was that.
CB, thank you for everything you do. This Icrontic year is dedicated to you.
Huge Congrats CB!
At Expo 2011, the first TF2 tournament fell apart (like always) when a Steam update was released mid-tourney. With the plan for the night evaporated, I heard a lot of leaders in the group start to talk about moving the party to the brewery, which would've resulted in a couple dozen people left behind with nothing to do - a lame night indeed on what was to be a marquee night at the cafe. I had no backup plan. I quickly strode upstairs to the boardgaming table and said, "CB, halp."
"Give me a minute to think about it," he said. Five anxious minutes went by and CB found me again: "We'll do Werewolf."
He saved the panicked event planner & the evening, rallied the troops, established a new annual Expo event, and created one of the more memorable nights of the event... without bravado and after only a moment to think about it. That's when I realized CB had gone beyond his skillful organizing of mini-events and details; he was confidently leading the leaders.
I didn't play Werewolf that night. I went downstairs and let out a slow sigh of relief.
2011 - mertesn
2010 - Thrax
2009 - Ryder
2008 - technocrat
congrats CB!