bah.... damned ego !!!

mondimondi Icrontian
edited October 2003 in Folding@Home
so ....

imagine the scene:

2 dually g5 folding boxes at school are asleep for some reason

having decided that i wasnt going to drive to school just to wake them up, I execute my 1337 h4xx0r skillz, trawl through a couple of linux boxes, comb through connection logs, find the appropriate mac addresses, and finally write a remote script to wake-on-lan them...

ahh, the ego grows large :)

restart the clients and am pleased to note that in about an hour a healthy 280 points are to be delivered ... (4 * 683 tinker)

odd though .. monitoring them for a few minutes i notice that 2 of the clients are @ 398/400 and the other 2 are at 392/400 frames... and hmm whats this ... they seem to be taking twice as long to finish each frame ????

thats right,, after all that, i managed to inadvertently login to the same box twice ... and destroy 140 points .. which will take another 2 days to process..

bah .... :mad:



  • MediaManMediaMan
    hears *tinker tinker* Yay!...*tinker*...%#^@%$@$
    Powered by loose parts.
    edited October 2003
    hears *tinker tinker* Yay!...*tinker*...%#^@%$@$
  • Mt_GoatMt_Goat Head Cheezy Knob Pflugerville (north of Austin) Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    I feel for ya! :cry:

    it could have been worse though! ;)
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    So, Monds......

    How do the G5s fold?
  • mondimondi Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    well .... due to the newly designed altivec, the gromacs core doesnt work, itll process for a little, sometimes as few as a few seconds, then get and early_unit_end .... so its tinkers only for now ... ive so far only gotten the 683's ... 400 frames - 70.9 pts. and they run at about 7 minutes a frame = ~48 hours per wu on the 2ghz model... so i get on average about 70 points a day from them ... (2 * dually 2ghz) ... in other words - still horrible, 70 pts a day for 8 ghz seems a bit off balance ...

    from what ive heard the new gromacs g5 core will be amazing etc etc but then, thats coming from mac users :)

    still, its free points so may as well go for it ..
  • mondimondi Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    [rant v2.0]

    alright, not as big a rant this time but look at the images attached ... there go'es my lovely wu/point ratio... also just figured out why i went from 555 to 610 wu's in one week ...

    damned g5's.
    1.jpg 32.7K
  • mondimondi Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    and this
    2.jpg 32.6K
  • edited October 2003
    is that from a lot of gromac early end units or you getting low point tinkers with those g5s.
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    is that from a lot of gromac early end units or you getting low point tinkers with those g5s

    It seems to me that Gromacs these days are just a crap shoot, whether they will finish or end early.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited October 2003
    Bah mine finish over 90% of the time.
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    They ARE doing Beta Gromacs, I have gotten some, and it is possible that some hardware configs do NOT like soem of them while others DO like them.

    With my two boxes, if I do not orderly end the clients when I want to reboot, sometimes a corrupt (incomplete) work file set (internally inconsistent as to progress,or simply as to content (incomplete frame record) results and I have had my boxes either roll back and redo part of a work unit or just plain START over..

    If I CTRL-C the Linux client (console) before rebooting the Linux box, adn Quit the graphical client or CTRL-C a Windows CLI client, the F@H app writes the complete frames only and resumes from a known stop point and does so consistently. That is why I say 95% or so (average overall) folding time, I do reboot from time to time (average is 2 weeks between for 98 SE box and a month or more for the Linux box due to resource release problems with certain non-F@H apps run in combo), and HAVE been known to forget to restart the Linux client (I do NOT script it, nor are these two boxes ever remote restarted).

    My boxes PARTLY sleep, they are never doing HD shutdown but do power down sound and video and spin down the CD-RWs and CD-ROM drives. both have a user defined PM settings set, and each box needs a different setting set for Windows versus Linux to stay folding 24\7 for the times between reboots.

    The key on my boxes is orderly client shutdown and NOT using Beta clients. The Barton actually uses a decently reliable BACKUP ISP connect, dialup, and happily sendd WUs in,the other (linux, surfing) box is happy to use broadband. I have had delayed SENDS manually done for 2-3 workunits on the Windows\Dialup box as phone was in use 2-3 times when it tried to send and it timed out as modem is set to wait for dialtone before dialling so it never interrupts voice calls on a shared phone line for that Windows\dialup box.

  • mondimondi Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    seversphere had this to say
    is that from a lot of gromac early end units or you getting low point tinkers with those g5s.

    thats from early_unit_ends ... no running gromacs on g5s, period


    is there any way to not get gromacs other than leaving out the -advmethods flag?? even with that off, they seem to be getting through?
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