Auld lang syne

Every website must indulge in a cliché from time to time, but there are few more important than giving thanks to your readers.
From everyone at Icronitc HQ and our satellite offices around the globe, thank you for making our page a destination in your boundless quest for the end of the internet. Without you, the venerable reader, we would be for naught. We hope you'll continue to patron us in 2008, succumb to that urge to participate in our forum, and <em>truly</em> live the Icrontic Life.
We wish you a safe, happy and prosperous new year. Rock on, Tarsonis.

From everyone at Icronitc HQ and our satellite offices around the globe, thank you for making our page a destination in your boundless quest for the end of the internet. Without you, the venerable reader, we would be for naught. We hope you'll continue to patron us in 2008, succumb to that urge to participate in our forum, and <em>truly</em> live the Icrontic Life.
We wish you a safe, happy and prosperous new year. Rock on, Tarsonis.
Without all of you, in your unique configuration of visits and letters typed, Icrontic would be something totally different
Happy New Year, etc.