Is the iPod Overrated?

Apple's iPod may be considered to be pretty great, but is its almost godlike status in the mp3 player market justified? Poptech.blogspot has a crack at answering that question.
Source: Poptech.blogspot
I personally like the iPod, but I do think they're a bit pricey, and I hate having to use the iTunes software. I mean, have you tried inputting song information manually? Holy K6-2's, just don't.I started out shopping for an MP3 player as a Christmas Gift over the holidays and wound up reading hundreds of reviews on all the available players. After much thought I narrowed the features that the player had to have:
1. Support MP3 bit rate of 192 Kbps or higher.
2. Drag and Drop File transfer both ways (no software)
3. Universal File Storage (not just MP3s)
4. User Replaceable Battery (Either Rechargeable or Standard)
Source: Poptech.blogspot
WinAMP iPod plugin
If i was going to buy a music player anytime soon, I'd buy a Dell Jukebox, but for now I'm sticking with my Sony NetMD
I think the iPod itself is the best player around, period. For playing music and accessing that music quickly, it's UI is the best, and this is due largely to the click wheel and the very readable screen.
iTunes would be fine if it was faster. But it's not, so I'm not a huge fan of it.
That's why everyone should help me get a free one. It would be one less iPod out there on the market that some fool could be tricked into buying. I'd be glad to take one of these nasty things. You know, for the good of mankind and all that. Don't wanna force an iPod on anyone. Consider me a depository for these vile machines.
/end shameless plug
I'm not big on shackling myself to iTunes or drinking Apple Kool-Aid so I buy into their corporate, overhyped marketing.....
Mac Mini - Need I say more?
Build quality is excellent (my original YP-910 is still humming along for dedicated office duty) and battery life very good.
That's a noble offer, BJ.
BTW, I registered at your link. Consider it a reward for your entertaining posts in this thread. I hope you get that iPod.