Thermaltake Volcano 7+
I just bought one of these babies and I must say that it's a whole lot better then the retail HSF that came with my 1200Mhz Tbird. Before with the rertail hsf my comp would only overclock to 1300mhz but now its starting to approach 1400mhz with stable temps. Unfortunately the only thing wrong with the volcano 7+ is that the high fan speed setting sounds like the geforce fx flow system. Way too loud for daily stuff. Either than that I have learned my lesson to never go with with the hsf's that come with cpus. In low setting on the fan it keeps my cpu 8 degrees cooler that with the original hsf. Medium setting isn't too loud and I usually use that for gaming but I take the cpu back down to 1333Mhz so I can hear the game.
