I'm not sure about this, but it seems XViD is better than DiVX.
The most noticeable thing is that it converts to DVD without any problems compared to DiVX.
I have noticed also by looking at the file properties that it seems the organizations that subtitle anime (such as AnimeOne, AniKeep, and AnimeJunkies) that is airing in Japan that they all have switched from encoding with DiVX to encoding with XViD. Is there a major advantage in using XViD?
The most noticeable thing is that it converts to DVD without any problems compared to DiVX.
I have noticed also by looking at the file properties that it seems the organizations that subtitle anime (such as AnimeOne, AniKeep, and AnimeJunkies) that is airing in Japan that they all have switched from encoding with DiVX to encoding with XViD. Is there a major advantage in using XViD?
Also, there is "free" software and there is "free" software. Something about free as in speech and free as in beer.
I'm thinking free as in speech means the source is open and free as in beer means the user is able to use the software for free.
There are many OpenSource licenses.
I think X has a license too that is like BSD or MIT. Only two licenses I'm really familiar with is BSD and GNU. I don't like the GNU license. Some things about it are fine, but others give me reservations. I'd prefer to write my own license.
It's a great read
A few examples of anime currently airing in Japan that has been encoded with XViD, and has perfect quality (none of them are over 225MB for a 24 minute episode):
Onegai Twins
Naruto - season 2
These anime series are also at the resolution of 640x480.
You'll also have to get the "XViD Bitrate Calculator" to check the file size. Set it to about 250-350 (Preferably 350) for 30 minutes and use the resultant value in the 2 Pass - 2nd Pass Int. box.
And if you guys ever need help converting from a DVD source (Or high-quality mpeg2 (SVCD)), you guys can always ask me about settings and whatnot. I'll be glad to help.