Uploading MySQL Database?

I'm a real n00b at MySQL and I'm just barely making my way by.
But I have managed to set up a database just how I want it on my local pc.
My question:
How do I upload it to my web host's server?
But I have managed to set up a database just how I want it on my local pc.
My question:
How do I upload it to my web host's server?
Navigate to your MySQL database folder (normally under Windows.. it's C:/mysql/bin
mysqldump --opt -uroot -p yourdatabasename > yourdataname.sql
Replace yourdatabasename by the name of your database
It will then prompt you for your root SQL password. Enter it and you will have an SQL dump.
Upload to your remote server. Then create the remote database name if you have the option. Some hosts provide you a database already created.
At the command line.. type
mysql -uusername -p createddatabasename < yourdatabasename.sql
Substitute username for your remote server database username, replace creatededdatabasename with the datbase name provided by your host.
That is a basic overview. If it makes no sense, drop me a PM as you don't want to go publishing database user/passes in public
Good seeing you back on S-M DOSMAN. You stay away too much.
What'd I screw up?
How do I reset it? I uninstalled/reinstalled but it didnt do anything.
Need any help with the remote side.. let me know via PM
My problem has been resolved