.bin and .cue files

edited July 2004 in Science & Tech
Hiya i downloaded a movie and the files contained were bin and cue files. What player should i use to play the movie? Thanks in advance.


  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited July 2004
    Hiya i downloaded a movie and the files contained were bin and cue files. What player should i use to play the movie? Thanks in advance.

    first off, warez are generally frowned upon at reputable sites, i would be more generic for future reference

    second, what you have is a cd binary image. what you need to do is either mount that image using daemon tools (its very straight forward) or another similar virtual disk drive tool, OR using software like nero find the option to "burn image" and point it to the cue file.

    essentially what you have is a vcd, and needs to be used as such
  • drowddrowd Texas
    edited July 2004
    ok, so i am gonna assume that this is a legally downloaded image. although, a legal movie site would never put it in that format, but i'll play your game.

    actually, i will approach it this way. lets say you had just said
    What do i do with bin and cue files? TIA!1

    in response to this i would say, bin and cue files are two files that are essentially a cd image. a couple of ways you can deal with these. my preferred option is a little program called daemon tools. daemon tools allows you to load a cd image file (bin/cue, iso, img, nrg) and mount it as if it was actually a cd or dvd drive on your machine. thats way one. the next way is to actually burn it to a cd. most burning software recognize most file types. nero recognizes these. actually, i think nero recognizes all except for .img (unless they changed it or i missed it). in any event that is way two. way three is to get a program called isobuster (or others like it) that will allow you to view the contents and file structure of the cd image. in addition, i think winrar also has support for viewing most cd images.

    anyway, thats an answer for you, but remember

    WAREZ = TEH NO!!1

    EDIT:// ah-ha, thebaron beat me to it. but yeah, we cant stress enough that you can not talk about anything illegal on these forums. because WE can be held responsible for something you post. so just dont.
  • edited July 2004
    I own the movie, i just dont have a drive that can play dvds, so its legal for me :), And thanks!
  • edited July 2004
    first off, warez are generally frowned upon at reputable sites, i would be more generic for future reference

    Good job he came to a site like icrontic then eh? :D

    I would go the daemon tools route too, means you dont have to waste a disc and always have the option to copy later.
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