KD7-RAID +240 Cpu? Help!

edited August 2004 in Hardware
I have a KD7-RAID board with:

otp diasbled (used consuctive silver paint)
latest BIOS

It now boots fine with my old TB 900 CPU. Before it wouldnt post at all, regardless of the type of chip. No fans, no nothing. A fine improvement, in my opinion.

However: It does not boot with my TB 2400.

Fans spin, HDDs spin, CD-ROM and DVD drives switch on. They all stay on; The CD-ROM and DVD drive lights stay lit, as does the HDD light.

Yet there is no boot and no beep.

That sounds like it is no processor behaviour to me.

I had the same problem and behaviour with my KX7-333 board, although with both CPUs. The board worked fine up until a week ago. If I remember correctly, the board made an indescribable little noise when booting (with TB 2400 CPU) and has not booted since.

Here are my conclusions:

As the TB 900 CPU works on the KD7 board:
Neither the board nor the CPU is defect.

As neither CPU now works on the KX7 board:
The KX7 board could now be defect.

As the TB 2400 does not work on the KD7 (with the latest BIOS, meaning it is compatible):
The TB 2400 CPU is defect.

Any thoughts? Is it possible that my board died and took my CPU with it?


  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited August 2004
    sounds reasonable to me.
    looks like your board shit out and decided the cpu was coming too :(

    dont suppose you were hit by lightning or something eh?
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