Icrontia Guide from the Board of Tourism

Let's hear some coordinates for some of our grand accomplishments out there. The map isn't the easiest way to find great stuff, and I'd love to see the 50%+ of the stuff I'm sure is out there but I have no idea exists.
The town began humbly, as I ventured out into the wilderness to find some Lapis.
What I found was a small sandy island in the shade of a tall, wooded cliff. I dug up most of the island, and turned it into sandstone and glass with which to build a small protective structure, to live in while I dug into the earth on a search for bluish rock. It was a strong claim, and, as often happens, others who heard about the mine came to work within it, and a small community grew around it.
The town of Sandstone Base has, besides the original tiny fort, a church, a farm, a castle, and a small mansion, with other structures under construction.
There is already the beginning of a road (currently a branch of the Western line one meter wide) which goes most of the way to Sandstone Base. If you decide to walk, you'll see branmyson's island fortress along the way.
We're in the process of setting up our own minecart system down there, too.
Alternatively, you can also get there by going all the way down the north line, then following the path to Dargon's skele grinder.
you can find my giant stone phallus.
I have a few things I have built:
Mushroom house
This shot shows some of Digiland including my Arrow. In the background Cola's phalli and the Space craft.
Mushroom house
X: 178
Z: 17
X: 137
Z: 62
X: 59
Z: 185
Don't give us your infantile excuses.
-1840, -615
It's a great example of Minecraft's taiga biome, check it out if you get a chance.