Things to know about Apple iOS 7 before you install it

1. It will make your phone look like it is built for a little kid that never seen a phone before.
It looks cheap and it is much harder to read
2. It will now check the charger that you use, if it not Apple it won't let the phone charge.
Never mind that I have been using this charger and cable since I got the phone, it doesn't work now.
3. Like with other updates, it changes a lot of default settings. If you care about privacy and security you will need to back through many setting screens and make sure that things are set the way that you want them.
These guys make the NSA look like rookies.
It looks cheap and it is much harder to read
2. It will now check the charger that you use, if it not Apple it won't let the phone charge.
Never mind that I have been using this charger and cable since I got the phone, it doesn't work now.
3. Like with other updates, it changes a lot of default settings. If you care about privacy and security you will need to back through many setting screens and make sure that things are set the way that you want them.
These guys make the NSA look like rookies.
By the same token, any time I bring this up, I seem to be the only person that thinks it's unethical, so maybe I'm the nut.
Also, authenticity is a bogus call for the charger cable issue. Consoles are massive set top devices that are designed to remain in one place - your TV stand - and not hold power when disconnected. Phones are mobile devices, and anyone with a smart phone over the last 5 years knows how imperative it is to use chargers that aren't your OEM cable at home, whether it means borrowing one from a friend, or buying a special use cable for specific reasons. That is seriously the dumbest thing.
I believe it is perfectly fine to have proprietary equipment and furthermore take steps to require that. I feel it is up to the consumer then to decided if that is the right product for them and more so if that is a company they wish to support.
The console example was more to do with controllers and games than power cables.
There was a case in which someone in China was killed by electrocution while using a non-authentic charger with their iOS device. Since Thunderbolt adapters can be verified as authentic and disabled if not so, Apple('s lawyers) can protect themselves from certain lawsuits due to injury from third party devices.
.... pretty sure.
Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Bold Text
I think it looks magnificent. But yeah, Retina.
The ideal phone to me is the one whose UI feels invisible. iOS 7 is warmer.
first thing is about Parallax, which is a bit scary...
Now let's dig in. As a simple example, did said person get electrocuted because the male plug into the phone was too long, and it exposed contacts that caused the electrocution? Assuming Apple designed to standards, this is something they'd have to defend themselves against, but this defense is fairly simple. Worldwide electronics standards exist for a reason; a cable manufacturer not respecting them is at fault if they put out something so incompatible it's dangerous.
And ignoring ALL of this: the report linked says the woman was using the official charger. So... moot court debating moot point? :P
The IOS interface hasn't changed significantly since 2007 and has always had a bit of a "babby's first smartphone" feel.