ICMC: What would you like to see on the new server?
So the idea of an economy seems to be a no go on the new server. That's cool.
In this thread, let us discuss what you would like to see out of the new server.
Mod suggestions are welcome but an explanation of how they would add to the community fun aspect of the server would be appreciated with any suggestion.
Edit to mention: Pretty much all policies and features on the current server will be handled better on the new server. No need to elaborate on current policies.
So what do you think?
In this thread, let us discuss what you would like to see out of the new server.
Mod suggestions are welcome but an explanation of how they would add to the community fun aspect of the server would be appreciated with any suggestion.
Edit to mention: Pretty much all policies and features on the current server will be handled better on the new server. No need to elaborate on current policies.
So what do you think?

(Don't let first appearances fool you, by the way- the download links in the thread lead to the latest 1.7.2 version.)
JABBA (Just Another Better Barrel Attempt) is a mod that adds a block called the "Better Barrel". It's a placeable storage block that you can place up to 64 stacks of a SINGLE ITEM inside, and you can see WHAT is inside and how much of it easily by a displayed icon on the front, making it a marvelous alternative storage solution for things you accumulate mass quantities off, such as junk blocks (dirt, cobble, sand, etc), or redstone dust, coals, fuels, that sort of thing. They're upgradeable, and it offers a couple of other features as well. Again, thinking about public build stuff here- I remember on the old server how we had tons of chests with loose stored cobble, sand, etc. in them.
Those are the basic ones I would HIGHLY recommend, no matter what. Right now, modding efforts on 1.7.2 aren't really all that ramped-up yet, as most of the big mods (Buildcraft, Thermal Expansion, Project RED, etc) are still on 1.6 versions, and 1.7 brought a LOT of changes, apparently.
A few mods to make the game "better" (not to be confused with "easier") is what I am looking for, if any. We have the server to think about, if we were going to do a mod pack, I would love to just do FTB.
All of those modpacks are MC 1.6 though, and I figured the point of doing the new server is for 1.7, if not mistaken.
I am a huge supporter of adding fast travel, as well as /home and /spawn commands. Some feel these lower difficulty, but there's always the option of not using them and manually running back out of a dangerous mine. The benefits of /home and /spawn is huge for a co-op server like ours.
/home main benefit: groups that play together like the UPS clan can set a /home in their base. That way when they all get on, they can /home to meet up quickly, saving time and upping the fun level dramatically by decreasing wasted time. Helps prevent burnout from the game.
/spawn main benefit: allows ANYONE to quickly meet up at spawn to trade or donate resources, organize an adventuring party, and more. HIGHLY increases cooperative play and the fun of the server.
Recommended Mods
The main mod that I strongly suggest is one that allows people to designate claims. I think the mod name is "grief prevention".
How it works
By playing, you accumulate an allowance of how many blocks you can claim (like 10 per hour or something like that). You then designate an area that you claim as yours. Until you give permission to share the area with others, other people cannot build, break, open chests, use contraptions, etc. It also protects against creeper explosions and TNT.
It's VERY well thought out and balanced mod, and protects against griefing. This also would save Digi a GREAT deal of time because in theory aside from major glitches or other issues, he shouldn't have to restore anyone's builds because someone came along and lit it on fire, etc.
I like the mod with iron, gold and diamond chests. its in ftb and it comes in very handy but would love to see it on icrontic server. nice suggestion hammy
Honestly, though, I'm in the camp that sees little to no detriment to letting folks have a /home command, anyway. Maybe place a 30 minute cooldown on it or something if you really wanna limit it, but I really don't think it's nearly as big of a deal as folks make it out to be.
Folks still have to venture all the way out, gather all of the stuff themselves, and defend themselves if need be. Letting folks have a zip back home once their bags are full isn't unreasonable, I'd think.
If you want to join in and test or just dick around, hit me up on Steam.