What the heck just happened? (Minecraft server down: Details inside)

I was making some dispensers for a pyrotechnics system on the arena. I made six then logged off, when I come back my redstone is gone, the dispensers are gone, and my spider dainger room has a newly generated mini-ravine cutting through it.
Leaving me with the question.......WAT!
I'll look into it and keep this post updated.
Was a chunk error. There are other issues happening also. We are going to have to do a rollback.
So should I not do anything until the rollback happens?
We've taken the server down until it can be looked it to avoid players building not knowing about the incoming rollback.
When can has rollback?
I have no eta.
'Tis the risk we run on beta builds my fellow miners. I can only ask for your patience until our volunteer server admin has some free time to take a look at it.
I'm suddenly quite glad we stuck with 1.7.2.
No worries Digi! Thanks for the heads up!