1.8 Discussion. Spoilers Inside.
Lots of cool stuff coming.
Reddit list of future plans
More variation in the ground with the addition of new stone blocks.
You can craft Mossy Stone Brick and Chiseled Stone Bricks.
Slime blocks introduced that, along with other features, negate all fall damage. Can be uncrafted back to slime balls (yeah! for storage).
Enchanting has been redone... again. Now requires less levels and Lapis.
Snapshot 14w02a Mojang | Reddit
Reddit list of future plans
More variation in the ground with the addition of new stone blocks.
You can craft Mossy Stone Brick and Chiseled Stone Bricks.
Slime blocks introduced that, along with other features, negate all fall damage. Can be uncrafted back to slime balls (yeah! for storage).
Enchanting has been redone... again. Now requires less levels and Lapis.
Snapshot 14w02a Mojang | Reddit

Back on track, I thought you could already make chiseled stone bricks? Or were they only available in creative mode?
Lots of little stuff. Couple notables:
Desert temples now have stained clay instead of wool.
Villagers now turn into witches if struck by lightning.
Bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with vanilla play it looks like.
So what about those tweets about making items something that can call for needing a 3D model and the ability to make the stuff for resource packs?
Maybe Flags in Minecraft?
Flags have been added to snapshot 14w30 along with FINALLY hostile mob skulls!!!!!
Blowing up a hostile mobs (creeper, skeleton, zombie or whither skeleton) with a charged creeper will drop that hostile mobs head. 1 creeper can kill multiple mobs giving 1:1 heads to kills.
Awwwww yeah!

1.8 Pre-release is available. Drop date for 1.8 official is September 2nd.
Mojang | Reddit
So much Minecraft.
Apparently the support of bukkit might drop off or something or be a little late to the 1.8 game.
Mojang owns bukkit, so I doubt it'll drop off.