The Legend of Korra looks freaking sweet

in Gaming
It looks like The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker but Korra. Fluid, animated, fast-paced.
Seriously awesome-looking for $15 and getting a lot of rave reviews.
What systems?
Ima play it on ma SEGA NOMAD!
First I was like "how would they do the bending? You could do such amazing things..."
Then I watched the trailer and was super dissappointed.
Dat ass effect tho
The game is being lambasted by critics, pretty looking game but the gameplay itself is apparently pretty repetitive.
I really just want a game where I can be an Earth Bender like Toph and give no fucks.
I don't pay any attention to critics, to be honest. I DO, however, pay attention to user reviews; 91% of reviews, 70 people who paid for the game, are positive on Steam.
It's true. I criticize him all the time. He just stares right through me.
It's like you're not even really there...
@Koreish who are you talking to?
Sometimes I don't filter my internal thought and my external speech.
Even his avatar has faded away.