Doc's Dive into the topic of Dungeon Delving

So.... I'm gonna put this here and see what happens. I'd like to try and get a group to run dungeons in guild groups. Any ad-hoc achievement and weekly questing can also be knocked out too. Thoughts below on nights that interested parties might be available? Also, who might actually be interested in this in the first place. poof.
I could do dungeons almost any evening. At our iLvl they are super fast anyway.
As can I, so I'm aiming to accommodate some of the more time-restricted members of the guild.
I can run them most evenings, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday would be my best times.
Available when on, but cannot commit too easily.
In about a month I'll be available 24/7.
Swinging for wednesdays, I'm not sure how reliable I'll be around tonight (Who am I kidding). I'm in central time zone. Or bug me on mumble
So last night turned out pretty good in a short notice sort of way, we got a lot of time walking out of the way, and scored a few guild runs.
10 down. Got a very slight upgrade for my tank (690 --> 695 gloves) and a massive upgrade for my mage (584 --> 705 bracers lol). Next up, my boomkin.
My weeknights are variable depending on what's going on with the family (and my own after-work activities) -- if you see me on, send me a whisper). Would love to get some more gear for my shammy healer or work on my druid healer. I'm also open to tanking if we just need to fly through some
Anyone for Mythic dungeons? I'd like to get that heirloom and some of the drops are good.
I'm always up for it either on my tank or DPS.
Yes. When's the heirloom gear released?
They are currently testing on the PTR, so a couple weeks maybe.
with 6.2.3 comes a whole bunch of goodies for dungeons. Relevant wowhead page: