The Division

BlackHawkBlackHawk Bible music connoisseurThere's no place like Icrontian

Is anyone here planning on getting the game? I'm thinking of purchasing it but I'd like for there to be others to play with. It's more of an RPG than a shooter. No one hit kills for high-level enemies. 4 player co-op.

Trailer in case you missed it.


  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    I have a copy. Didn't buy it so unsure if I want to throw hours at it.

  • TushonTushon I'm scared, Coach Alexandria, VA Icrontian

    I will be in there. The beta was pretty fun.

  • KarmaKarma Likes yoga Icrontian

    I was much less than impressed with the beta.

  • BlackHawkBlackHawk Bible music connoisseur There's no place like Icrontian

    I wasn't able to play the closed or open beta because my video card was being RMA'ed. I'm going in blind except for the few Twitch streams I've watched.

    What didn't you like @Karma?

  • KarmaKarma Likes yoga Icrontian

    @BlackHawk said:
    I wasn't able to play the closed or open beta because my video card was being RMA'ed. I'm going in blind except for the few Twitch streams I've watched.

    What didn't you like @Karma?

    The Running around doing nothing to action ratio was way too high.

  • TushonTushon I'm scared, Coach Alexandria, VA Icrontian

    @Karma said:

    The Running around doing nothing to action ratio was way too high.

    I played for 4 hours and didn't get that impression. I consistently had regular missions to level 8, then played around in the dark zone or whatever it was called for about an hour.

  • SonorousSonorous F@H Fanatic US Icrontian

    In. Beta was excellent. It's an RPG in a third person shooter's tuxedo. The story seems to be interesting and the game play was solid as well.

  • KarmaKarma Likes yoga Icrontian

    @Tushon said:

    I played for 4 hours and didn't get that impression. I consistently had regular missions to level 8, then played around in the dark zone or whatever it was called for about an hour.

    Oh I was getting missions but it was so much running to get them and well based off the beta like no opponents to go against and then shooting mechs were pretty meh.

  • TushonTushon I'm scared, Coach Alexandria, VA Icrontian

    I guess we had different experiences then. I felt like the spacing of main missions and side quests were all pretty good, plus random interactions with looters or whatever. I'm looking forward to it.

  • SonorousSonorous F@H Fanatic US Icrontian

    Looking for some more IC folks to play with in the dark zone. Group play is so much more fun than just running solo or with a partner. Add me on steam [IC]Sonorous or Onorous on uplay. Currently I am level 30 and DZ rank 12. Work doesn't permit me a regular schedule but if there is interest, we could organize something on a week night besides tf2sday.

  • TushonTushon I'm scared, Coach Alexandria, VA Icrontian

    I'm interested in that, but won't be around till late next week due to moving.

  • IlriyasIlriyas The Syrupy Canadian Toronto, Ontario Icrontian

    I wish this was cross-platform

    PC can't run anything newer than 2014 with anything resembling a decent framerate and waiting on my PS4 mates to hit level 30 is infuriating.

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