Interesting update on Brexit

ThraxThrax 🐌Austin, TX Icrontian
edited November 2016 in Community

This morning the UK High Court of Justice ("EWHC") ruled that the executive branch of the government cannot proceed with Brexit until there's a vote in Parliament. The EHWC is the first of three levels of "federal" courts in the UK, one step up being Court of Appeals and the top step being SCOTUK.

In the EHWC's interpretation of the UK Constitution, the Parliament is the highest authority in the land for these types of decisions. The Parliament must have the power to vote on such an important decision. No referendum, nor "executive branch" action, shall overrule.

That contradicts the arguments made by the pro-Brexit camp, which argued that the referendum indicates support amongst the electorate and consent for the PM and her Cabinet to execute Brexit on its own accord.

There are two levels of appeal to go, so anything could happen, but this is one step down the path of perhaps overturning Brexit.



  • aspieRommelaspieRommel Icrontic politico Indianapolis, IN Icrontian

    Might I ask why there is a political thread on here?

  • AlexDeGruvenAlexDeGruven Wut? Meechigan Icrontian

    Right. This thread isn't taking a position on one side or the other, just pointing out the news in and of itself.

    It's definitely an interesting exercise in parliamentary systems, which you don't really see happening without a massive thing like Brexit to shake the system up and make it do it's thing.

  • aspieRommelaspieRommel Icrontic politico Indianapolis, IN Icrontian

    @Sonorous said:

    More like political reporting than an opinion thread. Also, Rob has done a great job of just stating the fact of the situation and not adding opinion or skew. If anything, I would consider this a brief lesson in the history of the UK government and how it may impact a current day situation.

    Well, I just know the opinions of some in here on Brexit and made an assumption off of that. My apologies if that wasn't the case.

  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian

    Regardless of the opinions people might have on Brexit, my post did not offer any opinion or bias. It neutrally stated an interesting development based incontrovertibly in fact. I think this follows both the letter and the spirit of the law.

  • aspieRommelaspieRommel Icrontic politico Indianapolis, IN Icrontian

    @Thrax said:
    Regardless of the opinions people might have on Brexit, my post did not offer any opinion or bias. It neutrally stated an interesting development based incontrovertibly in fact. I think this follows both the letter and the spirit of the law.

    Again, as I stated in the earlier post, I apologize if that was not the case.

  • MyrmidonMyrmidon Baron von Puttenham California Icrontian

    I, for one, am very mad and have opinions on the subject. Important ones, that will almost certainly cause some sort of scuffle and/or hullabaloo if aired in the wrong crowd and/or setting. Why, simply thinking about those opinions makes me positively livid.

    ...For $50, paid directly to my google wallet account, I'll let you dictate what these very strong opinions are.

  • WinfreyWinfrey waddafuh Missouri Icrontian

    Get ya opinions heah!

  • AlexDeGruvenAlexDeGruven Wut? Meechigan Icrontian

    @Myrmidon said:
    I, for one, am very mad and have opinions on the subject. Important ones, that will almost certainly cause some sort of scuffle and/or hullabaloo if aired in the wrong crowd and/or setting. Why, simply thinking about those opinions makes me positively livid.

    ...For $50, paid directly to my google wallet account, I'll let you dictate what these very strong opinions are.

    A scuffle and a hullaballoo? Why not a donnybrook or a ballywho?

  • MyrmidonMyrmidon Baron von Puttenham California Icrontian

    @AlexDeGruven said:
    A scuffle and a hullaballoo? Why not a donnybrook or a ballywho?

    Whoa, calm down, Satan. People could get hurt.

  • AlexDeGruvenAlexDeGruven Wut? Meechigan Icrontian

    What about a nice little kerfuffle?

  • MyrmidonMyrmidon Baron von Puttenham California Icrontian

    Forget it. I'm out of the opinion-selling game. Too much violence.

    grumble grumble 'kerfuffle,' he says...

  • Do we keep Austin Powers in the split? Perhaps we can forbid any possible Spice Girls reunion as part of the negotiation?

  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited January 2017


    Senior judges said that the UK government cannot start Article 50 without consulting MPs.

    The biggest ramification of Tuesday's ruling is that MPs are now going to have to vote in Parliament on a new law that will start the process to leave the EU.

    And from another source:

    The biggest ramification of Tuesday's ruling is that MPs are now going to have to vote in Parliament on a new law that will start the process to leave the EU .


    By a margin of eight to three, the 11 justices upheld November's High Court ruling which stated that it would be unlawful for the government to rely on executive powers known as the royal prerogative to implement the outcome of last year's referendum.

    But it said the precise form the legislation should take was "entirely a matter for Parliament".

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