Icrontic 2017 Events & Accommodations

LincLinc OwnerDetroit Icrontian
edited January 2017 in Events

Events 2017

All events unless otherwise noted are at our headquarters (OK, home) in Detroit, Michigan and hosted by myself, @primesuspect and his wife @PinkInDetroit, and my boyfriend @Aaron.

🍀 St. Paddy's & Marche Du Nain Rouge
23-26 March — 10th Annual #ICSP

Boardgame & beer weekend with a costumed march thru Detroit on Sunday in the early afternoon. Bright colors (especially red) and ridiculous costumes are appreciated - we're trying to scare the Nain Rouge out of the city to start spring! To participate in the march, do not plan to leave the event before 5pm Sunday (as in, book your flight well after that).

★ Icrontic (Messes With) Texas
19-23 April — 3rd #ICTX

Your hosts @Thrax and @HumerusMeg open their home to Icrontic. Thrax should probably edit this with a better description and details some day before then. //EDIT: Thrax will consider this.

🍖 Memorial Day BBQ
28 May (Yes, Sunday) — 6th

Come join us for a long and lazy afternoon/evening to smoke a wide array of meats with us. Local friends join us for this 1-day event, but feel free to stay overnight because hey, you probably have Monday off anyway. Bring a side dish if you wish; all we have is pipin' hot meat and buns to slide it between.

🎪 Expo Icrontic
21-25 June — 14th Annual #EPIC

Video games, boardgames, field trips, and food! This is the big one. We pack Wednesday night thru Saturday night with scheduled fun in Detroit, including a LAN party and new things to try every year. This is the only event we charge an admission fee to cover swag, rentals, materials, and the cost of running this website all year. We welcome friends & newcomers and typically see more than 60 guests. If you'd like to coordinate an event, please contact Linc by March.

Guests may arrive as early as Sunday, 18 June for this event. Scheduled events begin with dinner on Wednesday, 21 June. Official kickoff is Thursday, 22 June at 3pm. Events run until midnight on Saturday, 24 June when we have our annual prizes and awards gathering. A full schedule will be available when tickets go on sale in May.

🍺 Oktoberfest
26-29 Oct — 11th Annual #ICOK

Boardgame & beer weekend with a Halloween costume party on Saturday night. We have fairly organized lunch/dinners Thu-Sun except for Saturday when we order pizza to allow everyone time to change into their costumes. The costume party usually swells to over 40 guests.

🎊 New Years
29 Dec 2017 - 1 Jan 2018 — 10th Annual #ICNY

Come celebrate the new year with your Icrontic buddies. We'll have champagne! This is the most low-key event of the year... well, before midnight, anyway.


Start/end dates: Please clear arriving earlier or staying later than the listed dates with Linc or Brian.

All events are BYOB. There are 2 side-by-side beverage fridges in the pub. The left is shared; the right is drink-only-yours (limit storing 2 at a time). Coolers available on request.

Airport rides: Please coordinate a ride to & from the airport from other guests whenever possible. Please let Brian or Linc know if you haven't secured a ride by the day of your flight. No one in the house is waking up at 6am to take you, so you better have a plan if you book a crazy early flight. See also: Booking departures during the Marche du Nain Rouge. Nope, don't need it.

Coffee is typically communal. Consider buying a pound or chipping in $5. If it's prior to noon and the kettle is empty, refill it using the small filtered tap and turn it on immediately.

Parking: Detroit ordinance limits are 20' from a Yield sign, 15' from a crosswalk, and 10' from a fire hydrant. All of the above exist on our corner. When in doubt, ask us.

Fire safety: Extinguishers at every floor of each staircase, including carriage house, plus at the back of the kitchen on the wall. Smoke detectors are wirelessly linked to all floors. Three-story escape ladder is on the neighbor's side of the attic.

Showering at the house:

  • We provide towels. They are stacked just outside the bathroom.
  • Hang up your towel; not on furniture. Additional towel racks outside the bathroom.
  • Leave the hook by the shower free for clothing.
  • Please deposit towels down the laundry chute in the bathroom closet at the end of the event.
  • We have miscellaneous toiletries depending on what's been left in the house. Please ask for or find the "Guest" labelled bottles; don't just take the residents' soap.

Sleeping in the house:

Our spacious attic & basement often have room for sleeping; the spaces are unheated but usually quite reasonable aside from New Years. We have multiple mattresses, futons, cots, and padded tatami mats. You may also bring an inflatable mattress if there is room (typically we can only fit 2-3 per event). If you elect to crash on a sofa or Sumo bag, we request you still obtain and use sheets.

  • Reserve space before the event begins; include what nights you will need it.
  • If your plans change, please tell us.
  • Let us know if you'd like linens, a pillow and/or a blanket.
  • We insist you use a pillowcase (including on sofa pillows).
  • We insist you use a fitted sheet to cover your sleeping surface entirely.
  • Deposit linens down the laundry chute at the end of the event.
  • Please fold your blanket/comforter & leave it with your pillow on your bed.
  • Never walk on any sleeping surface, especially the tatami mats.
  • Beware of splinters from any un-carpeted area of the attic floor.

Up early? Consider collecting cans, bottles, and glasses from around the house and rinsing them. If you want to help separate the recycling or use the dishwasher, ask a veteran for guidance.

Headed to the store and want to know if we need anything? The house should always have 3 things: Toilet paper, paper towels, and 2% milk. If any of them is in short supply, we'd appreciate more. (We keep spare TP & paper towels in the linen closet on the second floor.)

Spill or break something? It's cool, but please tell us immediately so we can help mitigate the damage.



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