Holiday Raiding

Will you be around? We're looking at how many people can actually attend to determine what we'll be doing during the holidays. I know some people are bored as hell home for the holidays so maybe we can do something like alt runs or old content... if enough people can and want to play, we'll figure it out!
Holiday Raiding 19 votes
gimme dem epix
Sorry! I won't be back home yet, and I still haven't bought a laptop capable of WoW (or basic internet browsing).
i need mor purps
Still need normal ToV clear but I'll be around all day to whack it
Any chance I can get to beat @primesuspect I'm taking!
I'm sorry I can't hear you from up here. There's some kind of... barrier... between top 3 and the rest of.... you all... sorry!

Based on the voting so far it looks like we can do alt/casual run on the 26th. Just from the people that voted yes, there are enough tanks and heals to do something. Maybe normal ToV or H EmN if people need essences or whatever.
Hahaha! Brutal! We will just ignore N Odym and Guarm
@Myrmidon why are you voting? Do you have a secret 110?
You might have seen my alt, Maejah, running around.
But in seriousness, I have legitimately no idea why I voted. I just kind of did it, and then I thought 'why did I do that? I'm not even... what?' and then I figured the 'no' votes were so far behind it didn't matter... so I figured I'd leave it a a shitty easter egg for someone to find.
ionno. chalk it up to temporary insanity.
Well, @Myrmidon did vote no, he won't raid. Which is true.
You are now a brexit voter.
WTB Myrmidon's triumphant return to the loregasm that is Legion
307K? git gud
Needs to have a pun-down against Oakheart.