I picked this up not knowing much more about it than, "This looks like fun".
It's too bad this didn't get the attention it deserves. Combat is crazy good, the soundtrack is one of the best I've ever heard and the way music changes depending on where you are and what's happening is pretty brilliant. There's tons to do and pretty much every quest adds something to the background of the world in some way. Without giving too much detail, this game made me sympathize with the enemies in a way no other game I can think of has and led me to put some thought into sentience and how it might develop. The only complaint I would have is that the main story leaves some questions but even that is a bonus. I didn't realize it at the start but this game tells (at least) 3 different stories, each unlocked after the completion of the previous character's story and will contribute to the whole. I'm on the second story and it opens up a completely new set of quests and way to play the game. Can't wait to see where it goes.
An acquaintance of mine in the VA community, Kira Buckland, did the voice for 2B, so I've been looking forward to playing it for that reason. It's good to hear that it's also actually a good game. I had never heard of the project until it came out, and most of what I've heard since then is from Kira's new fans, so I don't know much about the actual game.
Not a new game but I want to give a very proud shout-out to Icrontic's World of Warcraft guild for amazing progress into mythic-level raiding. I know it doesn't mean much to a non-WoW player but mythic raiding is the top of the top difficulty content and our guild of 22 people have practiced, worked hard, and improved VERY rapidly to the point where we are now starting to do the most difficult content the game has to offer, and winning. Even if you don't know anything about WoW, you know that millions of people play it, and there are tens of thousands of guilds (groups of players that work towards common goals). Our guild is one of the top 100 on our server, which is a huge accomplishment (currently 71 on Kel'Thuzad). On one of the most recent difficult bosses, we were the 2925th guild in the US to beat the fight; again out of tens of thousands. Only 66 other guilds on our server beat it. I'm so proud of this team; we used to be "middle-of-the-road" in terms of ability to do tough content but everybody has worked hard to improve their performance and it's working
Imagine you are a person who likes fabulously complicated games, with tons of moving parts--some immediately explicable, others not well-understood for 30+ hours. Example: I send my peon to go convert that plot of land into a farm, and I get more food. I start a war in the 16th century... will my society ever recover? Who knows! I'll find out in a few centuries (10+ hours of play time).
Now, if you will, imagine this on a grand scale. An Antikythera mechanism of a game, with hundreds of moving pieces: resources, diplomacy, government, exploration, research, experimentation. It's super Civ.
That's Stellaris. It's fucking awesome.
RequitThat one guySomewhere over there, I don't knowIcrontian
Seriously, this game is good. I keep seeing people call this game a masterpiece, and though I haven't finished it yet (15ish hours in, taking it slow), I'm beginning to agree with the sentiment. It's an amazing blend of hack and slash, light RPG, SHMUP and japanese bullet hell. The story is great, and the music is astoundingly good.
Play this game.
@CB said:
An acquaintance of mine in the VA community, Kira Buckland, did the voice for 2B, so I've been looking forward to playing it for that reason. It's good to hear that it's also actually a good game. I had never heard of the project until it came out, and most of what I've heard since then is from Kira's new fans, so I don't know much about the actual game.
Kira and Kyle (VA for 9S) did a livestream lets play of the game recently, where Kira dressed up as 2B. It was pretty great. (Full video has spoilers, but the clip at the start is just them talking about the outfit)
I purchased Prey on release and beat it a couple days ago on Hard. That game is incredible, people are saying it's a spiritual successor to Half-Life 2 and Bioshock and that's accurate though I'd go further back and say it's a successor to the original System Shock games. (Which Bioshock claimed to be though I'd argue Prey 2017 does it better)
The mechanics of the game are pretty solid insofar as weapons and the upgrade system, I've yet to try the "Typhon" abilities advertised (My first playthrough was almost wholly a pure human run) but they sound really neat from the descriptions and from what I gather of the game's core enemies the Typhon.
Enemy variety is decent enough though there isn't much too differentiate them visually. On the audio side of things it's pretty stellar as far as combat, soundtrack and the environment goes but there are some issues as far as the character voices go. Not to say they're poorly done, far from it but if I had the option to hear everything over audio logs as opposed to in person I'd choose that in a heartbeat because the in person voices sound like they're speaking from far away, possibly through a fan. Whatever it is the in person voices feel distant and almost electronically distorted and it weirds me out.
Altogether I'd give it an 8/10, 8.5-9 if not for the typical Bethesda bugs (Some which were just fairly frequent CTDs and others that were potentially game breaking)
Throw in another "play this" for Nier: Automata. I'm taking it slow as well. Only finished the main ending, but the game looks great, plays great, and the story is interesting.
I can't play Nier because they've yet to issue an AMD fix and I refuse to roll back my drivers to two years ago because resetting them is a nightmare and it means I basically can't play anything else.
Finished Ghost Recon: Wildlands (enjoyed the squad banter and huge world)
Finished Assassin's Creed: Syndicate (Jack the Ripper DLC was very good. Evie is bestest)
Finished Mass Effect: Andromeda (Everyone bashed the shit out of this game, ignore them)
Mario Kart 8: Deluxe (Switch). It is a legit improvement despite being the same content. You can hold a secondary item, all DLC is unlocked from the get-go, and I swear the terrain feels ever-so-slightly improved. I've had zero issue transitioning from the Wiimote/nunchuck to the Switch controllers, which is damn impressive.
Witcher 3, all day every (weekend) day XD Ultrawiiiiiiide
BlackHawkBible music connoisseurThere's no place like
Man, even when I'm not depressed I'm depressed.
Tons of games to play and I barely touch them. Got Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Playerunknown's Battleground, Watch_Dogs 2. All probably games I'd love to play but I just don't know what happens.
May need to force myself to play one even if I don't initially like it.
Screw it! Deus Ex it is. I liked the previous one but never got around to finishing it.
Played some Quake Champions Beta the last few days. There is a part of me that loves the old school fast as blazes get to the Quad as soon as it spawns gameplay, but another part of me where my reflexes are obviously a touch slower than they were 15 years ago and the realization is setting in that I may suck at twitch shooters now... Damn it. There is a loot and progression system that keeps you from certain combatants out of the gate which I'm a little opposed to, rather have a bit more of the game out of the shoot, but for a Beta I can't complain, it's Quake for 2017.
Try it if you can, it runs well, has a good little player community already (That is the Unreal Pre Alpha's problem, no community at all)... If you can get back to flicking your mouse quickly with precision you might just love it.
@primesuspect said:
I can't say enough about Breath of the Wild. It is a fucking masterpiece.
Oh, I played and finished that game in April but didn't post much
Agreed! It is a pretty game, heavily rewards exploration, and had a good story (though it is essentially a self-contained story? the whole calamity gannon thing only exists in BOTW lore and no other, unless I'm really bad at internetting and I only looked once). I did appreciate the freedom of game flow, in terms of end-game content being available very early on if you wanted to punish yourself.
I found the shrine vs "dungeon" approach interesting, because the "dungeons" seemed very easy and short compared to my memory of earlier games (could also be hazy memory). The shrines being relatively targeted puzzles was nice, but generally straightforward once you figured out the "thing" (which ability to use, or the type of puzzle).
@Cliff_Forster said:
Played some Quake Champions Beta the last few days. There is a part of me that loves the old school fast as blazes get to the Quad as soon as it spawns gameplay, but another part of me where my reflexes are obviously a touch slower than they were 15 years ago and the realization is setting in that I may suck at twitch shooters now... Damn it. There is a loot and progression system that keeps you from certain combatants out of the gate which I'm a little opposed to, rather have a bit more of the game out of the shoot, but for a Beta I can't complain, it's Quake for 2017.
Try it if you can, it runs well, has a good little player community already (That is the Unreal Pre Alpha's problem, no community at all)... If you can get back to flicking your mouse quickly with precision you might just love it.
Quake Champions feels slow and clunky to me. The 'edgy' character design is so nauseating and the ults to their credit are pretty meaningless (I see that as a bonus because I don't want no stinking skills in my arena shooter). It's so obvious free to play too. I had high-ish hopes only to leave disapointed.
Rolling on a freebie account since I don't have much time to play. I manufacture things and have a small trading corporation. Went from having 187m ISK (the in-game currency, aka being "space poor") to just over 1B in liquid assets over the past few months by buying low and selling high. All it takes is logging in for about 15 minutes a few times a week.
Because I'm on a free account, I'm limited to the number of items I can buy and sell at any given time, so finding ways to reinvest my earnings and still earn a decent profit is getting harder due to the limited volume of deals going on where I'm currently at. It's a fun challenge to have. I went from trading cheap stuff like ammo and basic equipment to flipping higher dollar small and medium ships and high-dollar ship equipment.
I keep seeing people call this game a masterpiece.
I don't know what else to call it.
I finished the storyline you will get on the 3rd playthrough yesterday (not even the last ending) and stared at the wall while credits rolled trying not to tear up. I failed.
I picked this up not knowing much more about it than, "This looks like fun".
It's too bad this didn't get the attention it deserves. Combat is crazy good, the soundtrack is one of the best I've ever heard and the way music changes depending on where you are and what's happening is pretty brilliant. There's tons to do and pretty much every quest adds something to the background of the world in some way. Without giving too much detail, this game made me sympathize with the enemies in a way no other game I can think of has and led me to put some thought into sentience and how it might develop. The only complaint I would have is that the main story leaves some questions but even that is a bonus. I didn't realize it at the start but this game tells (at least) 3 different stories, each unlocked after the completion of the previous character's story and will contribute to the whole. I'm on the second story and it opens up a completely new set of quests and way to play the game. Can't wait to see where it goes.
An acquaintance of mine in the VA community, Kira Buckland, did the voice for 2B, so I've been looking forward to playing it for that reason. It's good to hear that it's also actually a good game. I had never heard of the project until it came out, and most of what I've heard since then is from Kira's new fans, so I don't know much about the actual game.
Not a new game but I want to give a very proud shout-out to Icrontic's World of Warcraft guild for amazing progress into mythic-level raiding. I know it doesn't mean much to a non-WoW player but mythic raiding is the top of the top difficulty content and our guild of 22 people have practiced, worked hard, and improved VERY rapidly to the point where we are now starting to do the most difficult content the game has to offer, and winning. Even if you don't know anything about WoW, you know that millions of people play it, and there are tens of thousands of guilds (groups of players that work towards common goals). Our guild is one of the top 100 on our server, which is a huge accomplishment (currently 71 on Kel'Thuzad). On one of the most recent difficult bosses, we were the 2925th guild in the US to beat the fight; again out of tens of thousands. Only 66 other guilds on our server beat it. I'm so proud of this team; we used to be "middle-of-the-road" in terms of ability to do tough content but everybody has worked hard to improve their performance and it's working
Imagine you are a person who likes fabulously complicated games, with tons of moving parts--some immediately explicable, others not well-understood for 30+ hours. Example: I send my peon to go convert that plot of land into a farm, and I get more food. I start a war in the 16th century... will my society ever recover? Who knows! I'll find out in a few centuries (10+ hours of play time).
Now, if you will, imagine this on a grand scale. An Antikythera mechanism of a game, with hundreds of moving pieces: resources, diplomacy, government, exploration, research, experimentation. It's super Civ.
That's Stellaris. It's fucking awesome.
@Canti fixed that for you.

Seriously, this game is good. I keep seeing people call this game a masterpiece, and though I haven't finished it yet (15ish hours in, taking it slow), I'm beginning to agree with the sentiment. It's an amazing blend of hack and slash, light RPG, SHMUP and japanese bullet hell. The story is great, and the music is astoundingly good.
Play this game.
Kira and Kyle (VA for 9S) did a livestream lets play of the game recently, where Kira dressed up as 2B. It was pretty great. (Full video has spoilers, but the clip at the start is just them talking about the outfit)
All the cool kids are....still playing Assassin's Creed 2. Or maybe that's just me.
I'm back to Cities: Skylines! And still Hearthstone. Have to play short and/or pausable stuff.
I purchased Prey on release and beat it a couple days ago on Hard. That game is incredible, people are saying it's a spiritual successor to Half-Life 2 and Bioshock and that's accurate though I'd go further back and say it's a successor to the original System Shock games. (Which Bioshock claimed to be though I'd argue Prey 2017 does it better)
The mechanics of the game are pretty solid insofar as weapons and the upgrade system, I've yet to try the "Typhon" abilities advertised (My first playthrough was almost wholly a pure human run) but they sound really neat from the descriptions and from what I gather of the game's core enemies the Typhon.
Enemy variety is decent enough though there isn't much too differentiate them visually. On the audio side of things it's pretty stellar as far as combat, soundtrack and the environment goes but there are some issues as far as the character voices go. Not to say they're poorly done, far from it but if I had the option to hear everything over audio logs as opposed to in person I'd choose that in a heartbeat because the in person voices sound like they're speaking from far away, possibly through a fan. Whatever it is the in person voices feel distant and almost electronically distorted and it weirds me out.
Altogether I'd give it an 8/10, 8.5-9 if not for the typical Bethesda bugs (Some which were just fairly frequent CTDs and others that were potentially game breaking)
Oh, and I'm playing Massive Chalice. Haven't formed an impression yet.
Finally got around to playing Stanley Parable. A thoroughly enjoyable experience.
Throw in another "play this" for Nier: Automata. I'm taking it slow as well. Only finished the main ending, but the game looks great, plays great, and the story is interesting.
I can't play Nier because they've yet to issue an AMD fix and I refuse to roll back my drivers to two years ago because resetting them is a nightmare and it means I basically can't play anything else.
Finished Ghost Recon: Wildlands (enjoyed the squad banter and huge world)
Finished Assassin's Creed: Syndicate (Jack the Ripper DLC was very good. Evie is bestest)
Finished Mass Effect: Andromeda (Everyone bashed the shit out of this game, ignore them)
Still Battlefield 1....
(Note Hours Played)
Mario Kart 8: Deluxe (Switch). It is a legit improvement despite being the same content. You can hold a secondary item, all DLC is unlocked from the get-go, and I swear the terrain feels ever-so-slightly improved. I've had zero issue transitioning from the Wiimote/nunchuck to the Switch controllers, which is damn impressive.
Witcher 3, all day every (weekend) day XD Ultrawiiiiiiide

Man, even when I'm not depressed I'm depressed.
Tons of games to play and I barely touch them. Got Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Playerunknown's Battleground, Watch_Dogs 2. All probably games I'd love to play but I just don't know what happens.
May need to force myself to play one even if I don't initially like it.
Screw it! Deus Ex it is. I liked the previous one but never got around to finishing it.
Games I have currently but can't play (because I don't have a PS4):
NieR: Automata
MLB The Show 17
Games I intend on buying for PS4:
Persona 5 (Been watching let's plays of it and I am more intrigued than I was when it was announced.)
Games I'm looking forward to release:
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown
Ad Infinitum (the first horror game I'm actually interested in) https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1328937963822250&id=894332950616089
After hearing Stellaris said a few times, I watched a few vids and bought it. Played from ... 10P-5A last night. Whoops!
Played some Quake Champions Beta the last few days. There is a part of me that loves the old school fast as blazes get to the Quad as soon as it spawns gameplay, but another part of me where my reflexes are obviously a touch slower than they were 15 years ago and the realization is setting in that I may suck at twitch shooters now... Damn it. There is a loot and progression system that keeps you from certain combatants out of the gate which I'm a little opposed to, rather have a bit more of the game out of the shoot, but for a Beta I can't complain, it's Quake for 2017.
Try it if you can, it runs well, has a good little player community already (That is the Unreal Pre Alpha's problem, no community at all)... If you can get back to flicking your mouse quickly with precision you might just love it.
I can't say enough about Breath of the Wild. It is a fucking masterpiece.
Oh, I played and finished that game in April but didn't post much
Agreed! It is a pretty game, heavily rewards exploration, and had a good story (though it is essentially a self-contained story? the whole calamity gannon thing only exists in BOTW lore and no other, unless I'm really bad at internetting and I only looked once). I did appreciate the freedom of game flow, in terms of end-game content being available very early on if you wanted to punish yourself.
I found the shrine vs "dungeon" approach interesting, because the "dungeons" seemed very easy and short compared to my memory of earlier games (could also be hazy memory). The shrines being relatively targeted puzzles was nice, but generally straightforward once you figured out the "thing" (which ability to use, or the type of puzzle).
Would recommend.
Quake Champions feels slow and clunky to me. The 'edgy' character design is so nauseating and the ults to their credit are pretty meaningless (I see that as a bonus because I don't want no stinking skills in my arena shooter). It's so obvious free to play too. I had high-ish hopes only to leave disapointed.
Still playing EVE.
Rolling on a freebie account since I don't have much time to play. I manufacture things and have a small trading corporation. Went from having 187m ISK (the in-game currency, aka being "space poor") to just over 1B in liquid assets over the past few months by buying low and selling high. All it takes is logging in for about 15 minutes a few times a week.
Because I'm on a free account, I'm limited to the number of items I can buy and sell at any given time, so finding ways to reinvest my earnings and still earn a decent profit is getting harder due to the limited volume of deals going on where I'm currently at. It's a fun challenge to have. I went from trading cheap stuff like ammo and basic equipment to flipping higher dollar small and medium ships and high-dollar ship equipment.
Play this game, do it right now if you have ever enjoyed a metroidvania game.

I don't know what else to call it.
I finished the storyline you will get on the 3rd playthrough yesterday (not even the last ending) and stared at the wall while credits rolled trying not to tear up. I failed.