Expo 2017: Device share
Howdy Y'all.
I'm a bit late with this request this year so I'll deal with it if it doesn't work out. Shipping my computer from Ca cuts into the vacation budget.
Does anyone have a computer I can use for the length of Expo 2017? Wednesday through Saturday at least? I would need it to run Rocket League and TF2, pretty sure the minimums for my other needs will be met at that point.
Thanks for any help or even leads!
@UPSLynx and I will also need loaner PCs.
I am bringing my work laptop, which is okay for TF2/overwatch/rocket league, but I'll probably be using and can't really share it. I'm mentioning it because I'd like to be the bottom of the "real" loaner list.
I'll really only need a loaner for two moments - TF2 and Overwatch (since I'm helping run Overwatch). Other than that I won't need a PC at all.
I will be prepping some loaner PCs in the coming days and weeks.
@ryanmm come by. I have some hardware to give you for this project.
There are not weeks left

You have exactly 2
I missed the boat on sending my computer at even a slightly higher than reasonable price. I hope something works out here.
"Help me Ryan of MM, you're my only hope"
I am also hoping @RyanMM can help us! The only computing device I'm bringing with me is my phone
I'll be bringing my desktop for thrax to overclock. It will be available for any gaming needs.
It's possible that if my old PC still works AND I'm able to make TF2 work acceptably on my MacBook Pro AND there's a spare keyboard... there'd be +1 loaner from me.
Y'all are the true MVPs.
I will bring my laptop for sharing, desktop (its been a while!) for gaming stuffs.
I have a spare PC (nothing fancy, AMD 5770 GPU) that I could probably bring, but on the condition that I get to donate it to the Expo and not bring it back. I'm in the process of packing and moving, and realized I don't need it anymore. Does @Linc mind another desktop lying around? I could also bring and donate a small 17" LCD.
We can stick it in the server room for Expos future
If we have room in our transportation, I have a PC I can bring.
So, I'm down to the wire on this and I have 2 systems prepped. I would have more but it turns out that though I now have a bounty of gpus thanks to Prime, I turn out to be short in power supplies that are capable of the power requirements of these gpus.
So if anyone has any 500w+ power supplies with +24 amps of 12v, bring them to Expo and hit me up. I'll be driving through Detroit today around noon or one and can pick them up from Icrontic.
Does anyone have a spare mouse for the rig I'm bringing? Looks like all of my spares are worn out.
No shortage of mice. Nothing special, just Dell optical, but they work. Will bring a box of spare stuff.
Will need a donor mouse for whomever uses my laptop.
I have one PC in the basement thus far, it's loading some Windows updates. Running a Radeon R9 285 or something along those lines, i7-950, 6GB DDR, SSD.
I've created useraccounts for @UPSLynx @Sonorous @GnomeQueen and @BobbyDigi - it's running some updates right now but should be ready to use in a few hours.
I should have at least 1 other computer to chip in or more if I can get the power supply situation squared away.
I brought a computer and Rob brought a monitor, but it will need a keyboard and headphones.
I also forgot an Ethernet cable this year... If anyone can help with that.
I will make some extra cables tomorrow. If anyone wants to learn seek me out.
We have so many ethernet cables in the basement it's silly.
Is a 5770 enough for most of the games people are playing? I have a system tested and ready but due to PSU limitations on that one that's the beefiest GPU I have on hand that it'll handle.
@RyanMM yes, probably so.
Okay, so I'll have 2 more working systems to bring down today - both 1st gen i7s with 6-12GB of RAM, 30GB of free space on their boot SSDs, and one with a 5770 and the other with an R9 290x (video card 1 of 3 tested good @primesuspect).
I may be able to prep 1 more system with a GeForce 760 or something in that realm. We'll see.
Will have plety of spare basic keyboards and mice as well.