Wonder Woman

in Movies & TV
Finally got to see this tonight. What a fantastic movie. I LOVED it. The only sad part is that it took this long for little girls to have a superhero movie to grow up with.
I'm like... really, really ambivalent about the DC universe. I loved the Dark Knight trilogy but that's it. The other movies are completely uninteresting and I don't care one whit about Justice League.
However, one thing is certain: DC is pretty serious about Wonder Woman. Diana is a goddess and we don't deserve her; this movie drives that point home loud and clear.
I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and agree with your sentiment on the rest of the DC movies.
It is worth watching even if you haven't seen any of the rest.
The action sequences were so well done, holy crap. It's not often you see fight scenes and think "Wow, I haven't really seen that before". The last time I got that feeling was with the original John Wick. The fighting in this movie reflects Wonder Woman's absolutely fearless, "I am a Goddess and nothing can hurt me" style. It's awesome.
Paging @djmeph since I read he has some thoughts on FB. I haven't gotten a chance to see it, but would like to see that discussion continue here.
LOVED it, cannot wait to see it again.
Saw it tonight. Movie was dope. I was particularly impressed with the fight choreography, it was really clean and spectacular looking. I could have used much less slow-mo in the fight scenes, but that's DC's/Zack Snyder's influence for ya.
Characters were well written and genuinely like able. Story progressed at a nice pace and I'm glad that Wonder Woman felt like a legit goddess the entire time.
It actually frustrates me how good that film is, because it offers a glimpse into the awesome world of DC comic book films that we could have. It's not fair that DC is so bad at films, because there are so many great characters that deserve awesome movies.
Saw Wonder Woman and Alien Covenant back to back the opening weekend. I really enjoyed both films and liked Wonder Woman a bit more. Really enjoyed the development of the characters. Hopefully the follow ups live up to the opener.
I could not believe how good this movie was. The characters were real and awesome.
DC movie.. With characters!
Best DC movie since Dark Knight, which I don't really consider a DC movie as much as a Nolan movie. It's a shame he never got to make a third Batman movie, I bet it would've been amazing.
Trilogy's all his.
No, there was no third Nolan Batman. Heath Ledger died and Nolan couldn't come up with a good story for the last one, so they threw in the towel.
At least that's what happened in my perfect Mandela Effect universe.
It's probably just me, but the video feels out of sync with the tone of the Wonder Woman movie.
The song is perfect however - so badass!
@elyxandra yes. Cool video, but doesn't fit the movie. Just a little bit much soft core porn.
I know I'm getting old now, because I legit liked it less because of that.