11th Annual Icrontic St Paddy's & Marche du Nain Rouge
Details in the Events & Accommodations discussion.
If you want to participate in the Marche du Nain Rouge, assume you will be leaving the house around 12:30pm on Sunday and returning around 4pm. It is a half-mile walk from the house to the event start. The route is ~1.5 miles total. The return walk is ~1 mile. The event is rain or shine, and costumes are encouraged. It may be cold! Dress appropriately. We have a small wagon available if someone wants to coordinate Icrontic beverage hauling / trash collection / costume shedding.
If you are scheduling a departing flight on Sunday, I strongly recommend making it before noon or after 6pm if you expect a ride from an Icrontian.
We don't have any other specific plans for the weekend at this time, but are open to suggestions as always.
Please do post here if you plan to attend so we can prepare.
I would even go so far as to say that if your flight leaves on Sunday, get a Lyft; Sunday is a heavy drinking day
As we found out last year, schnaps is a great Marche companion.
o rite, I'm in. Dates coming later, but I'll definitely head back home Monday (Tried the Sunday thing before, it's no bueno).
One. One Icrontian. Ah ah ah.
Chrome is not pleased that you made the Events & Accommodations discussion an https link without having a proper cert =P
We bought tickets on Feb. 8. Guess we're...in?
The Marche needs about $10,000 just for permits. Since we've never really paid to participate, it's only fair that I share a link to their fundraiser. If you've enjoyed the Marche, please consider chipping in:
Is this gonna be ICSP party of 3 plus ICHQ inhabitants? I mean, that's dope too, but WHERE YOU AT. I WANNA SEE MORE "IN's", YO.
I can't make it this year. Pullin' a Bobby 2017.
Being an adult sucks
Icrontic got old
So are YOU saying “IN” or are you gonna wait until last minute or wimp out again?
Ummm 4th post in the thread
Well, it looks like ICSP is gonna be @UPSLynx and I auditing the ICHQ beer shelves and deciding what's shelf-worthy and what's not, and then we'll eat guac with @Thrax and @HumerusMeg.
If anyone else was planning to come, you'd do well to tell me soon because I am definitely not clearing the attic nor basement if I don't need to.
Gon' be M A X I M U M C O Z Y
I can finally find my lost stout in the reserve fridge. So much time for activities!
@linc @RyanFodder, pups and I will be there, but just Saturday night; please save some guac!!
there will be some @Kaintenance action in there too!
@evonnecameron is coming
Wow. Well, if any of the 2 of you all coming want to be voyageurs I could use some people in my canoe besides me and evonne. I have some accoutrements, and some shitty instruments! Wear brown or khaki pants, and long sleeved plain red/dark blue/white/off white shirt. If you have a red/blue hat and or gloves bring those too. red scarf? bring it. If not, just come with the basic pants and shirt. K THANKS.
Which stout?
The word "reserve" gets a wider definition between events that includes my tummy unless there's a name on it.
It's one of things where I'll know it if and when I see it.
You're a towel
This is super late posting but I told Nicole I would, I'll be arriving weds at noon via southwest if someone wants to pick me up:)
Nain Rouge was pretty dope TBH
Heading home. Thanks everyone, miss you already and I had a blast!