IcrontianUPSKingpin · Sir · Icrontian
UPSKingpin earned the Clicker Heroes badge.You've played Clicker Heroes with other Icrontians or min-maxed your sick deeps with Ancients in the forumsJuly 2016
UPSKingpin earned the Let's Play Cats badge.Show me your cats. You have played Neko Atsume and shared your cats with Icrontic. Meow.July 2016
UPSKingpin earned the Digital Mediaman badge.Created a digital media project or work of art and shared it on Icrontic.July 2016
UPSKingpin earned the Oh look I has a smartphone badge.Find the QR Code at ICHQ. Scan it. Win award.January 2016
UPSKingpin earned the Football badge.You've discussed college or pro football with other Icrontic fans. AMERICAN FOOTBALL, DUH.November 2015
UPSKingpin earned the I really love Minecraft badge.You've played in an Icrontic organized Minecraft eventNovember 2015
UPSKingpin earned the Optimal badge.You have theorycrafted or preached about optimal gameplay strategies to other Icrontians. Spencer would be proud.November 2015
UPSKingpin earned the Sing Your Way To Victory badge.You have a SONG in your HEART and it MUST BE HEARD. You've RALLIED THE TROOPS! YOU'VE SANG YOUR WAY TO VICTORYNovember 2015
UPSKingpin earned the Athletics! badge.You've engaged in a sporting, strenuous, or otherwise athletic activity with other Icrontians (IN REAL LIFE, NO LESS)November 2015