IcrontianJokke Icrontian
- Username
- Jokke
- Location
- Bergen, Norway
- Joined
- Visits
- 3,625
- Last Active
- Roles
- No Roles
- Points
- 1,345
- Badges
- 60
- Birthday
- September 11, 1989
- Location
- Bergen, Norway
- @JokkeNor
- Steam
- jokke191
- Occupation
- Male prostitute
Jokke earned the Classically Trained badge.You're the real deal. A gamer since before it was cool.June 2018
Have played Team Fortress 2 on the Icrontic server with other Icrontians.July 2016
Jokke earned the Epic Troll badge.Have performed a troll so good, so thorough, so ... epic... that it goes down in legend and loreJuly 2016
Jokke earned the Athletics! badge.You've engaged in a sporting, strenuous, or otherwise athletic activity with other Icrontians (IN REAL LIFE, NO LESS)July 2016
Jokke earned the 250 Awesomes badge.You received 250 Awesomes. Are you gaming the awesome system? Awesome!June 2016