IcrontianBandrik Icrontian
Re: Oktoberfest 2021
Sup guys. I really miss you all. 2020 and 2021 so far has been one of the most challenging times for me. Ever. For many reasons. I'll skip the details (for now). I just know that I could really use s… (View Post)0 -
Re: Expo Icrontic 2020 is cancelled
Sad to hear EPIC is out for this year, but I'm glad that this is also a relief for Linc. Stay safe everyone. Love you all. grouphug (View Post)0 -
Re: ICSP 2020 March 20-22
Welp... in observation with the health expert's recommendations, I'm going to have to make the difficult decision to cancel my plans. What a bummer. Stay safe everyone. Those that make it or already … (View Post)0 -
Re: Icrontic Oktoberfest 2019: Oct 24-27
Update: I really wanted to come this year and be with everyone, especially considering Kyle's passing I wanted to see everyone and cry and hug... but some things came up. In particular a close friend… (View Post)0 -
Re: Icrontic Oktoberfest (ICOK) 2015
Not making it this year. Work and family stuff. Nothing bad, just busy. Drink one for me, chaps. (View Post)0