TF2/Mumble Server Fund Raiser #Hats & Games & Badges!

Hello TF2 players. Have you ever thought to yourself "How can I help the IC TF2 community and get some cool stuff at the same time?"
The Good Stuff:
Prime's Team Captain - Suggested Donation$60 $30
You will select a name for the hat and it will be named and given to our glorious leader PrimeSuspect who will then wear the hat while playing on TF2sdays for 2 months. This hat is Uncraftable.
Linc's Team Captain - Suggested Donation$60 $30
You will select a name for the hat and it will be named and given to our glorious leader Lincoln who will then wear the hat while playing on TF2sdays for 2 months. This hat is Uncraftable.
Note: The admins have personal lives and there is no guarantee they will be on at any specific time though they are still awesome and will proudly show off the hats when they do play. After the initial 2 months, the ability to rename the above Team Captains will be available via donation.
Ivan's Own Team Captain - Donation$20 $10**
Ivan's very own Team Captain. Your donation will secure you the honor of wearing this bad boy for 1 calendar month. Imagine all the Jelly!
Fatcat's Soldier Medal - Donation$20 $10**
A very generous donation by Icrontic's favorite mailman, Fatcat. Your donation will secure you the honor of wearing Fatcat's Soldier Medal for 1 calendar month.
Purple Rain - Donation $5/wk or$20 $10/mo**
Cola's more than ridiculous Hard Counter with Purple Confetti. Ever wanted to try out an Unusual Hat? Here is your chance!
**Due to limitations of returning these items after the month, only trusted IC members may participate in these programs.
Digi's Summer Shades - Suggested Donation$30 $20
Carefully Wrapped Gift from your favorite TF2 addict, BobbyDigi. By the nature of these glasses, they will have the statement "Gifted by: {IC} BobbyDigi" in their description and {IC} BobbyDigi will dynamically change with Digi's in-game name so that he may troll you on any given TF2sday.
Thrax' Bounty Hat - Suggested Donation$30 $20
It's a hat signed by The Thrax, that is all you need to know.
Games: The Longest Journey + Dreamfall - Suggested Donation$15 $10.
These games are awesome and come with some high recommendations from IC members. Steam gift from BobbyDigi's inventory.
Game: Dungeon Defenders - Suggested Donation$10 $5
A classic around these parts. Steam gift from BobbyDigi's inventory.
Game: Nuclear Dawn - Suggested Donation$10 $5
Steam gift from Thrax' inventory.
DLC: Civilization V: Cradle of Civilization - DLC Bundle - Suggested Donation$10 $5
Requires the base game Sid Meier's Civilization® V on Steam in order to play. Steam gift from Thrax' inventory.
Game: Orcs Must Die! - Suggested Donation $5
Gotta kill 'em all! Steam gift from GnomeQueen's inventory.
IC Badge: Everyone that donates to the Server fund will receive the Team Captain badge that they can proudly display on their profile. Make sure if you make a donation to head to the badge page and request it.

How to Pay: Click below

If you have any any fun ideas for items or anything you would like to donate to the fund raiser, throw me a PM and we will make it happen.
Rock on!

Items given away for donations:
Here is your opportunity
A list of available items will be listed here with a description and suggested donation amount. Of coarse if you want to donate more than the suggested price, please do. Post here or PM me if you are interested in an item and we will make it happen. Donations will be made straight to our ClanPay so no monies will have to change hands. Once the donations are verified, the items will be provided from myself (or possibly another IC member depending on the item).The Good Stuff:
Prime's Team Captain - Suggested Donation
You will select a name for the hat and it will be named and given to our glorious leader PrimeSuspect who will then wear the hat while playing on TF2sdays for 2 months. This hat is Uncraftable.
Linc's Team Captain - Suggested Donation
You will select a name for the hat and it will be named and given to our glorious leader Lincoln who will then wear the hat while playing on TF2sdays for 2 months. This hat is Uncraftable.
Note: The admins have personal lives and there is no guarantee they will be on at any specific time though they are still awesome and will proudly show off the hats when they do play. After the initial 2 months, the ability to rename the above Team Captains will be available via donation.
Ivan's Own Team Captain - Donation
Ivan's very own Team Captain. Your donation will secure you the honor of wearing this bad boy for 1 calendar month. Imagine all the Jelly!
Fatcat's Soldier Medal - Donation
A very generous donation by Icrontic's favorite mailman, Fatcat. Your donation will secure you the honor of wearing Fatcat's Soldier Medal for 1 calendar month.
Purple Rain - Donation $5/wk or
Cola's more than ridiculous Hard Counter with Purple Confetti. Ever wanted to try out an Unusual Hat? Here is your chance!
**Due to limitations of returning these items after the month, only trusted IC members may participate in these programs.
Digi's Summer Shades - Suggested Donation
Carefully Wrapped Gift from your favorite TF2 addict, BobbyDigi. By the nature of these glasses, they will have the statement "Gifted by: {IC} BobbyDigi" in their description and {IC} BobbyDigi will dynamically change with Digi's in-game name so that he may troll you on any given TF2sday.
Thrax' Bounty Hat - Suggested Donation
It's a hat signed by The Thrax, that is all you need to know.
Games: The Longest Journey + Dreamfall - Suggested Donation
These games are awesome and come with some high recommendations from IC members. Steam gift from BobbyDigi's inventory.
Game: Dungeon Defenders - Suggested Donation
A classic around these parts. Steam gift from BobbyDigi's inventory.
Game: Nuclear Dawn - Suggested Donation
Steam gift from Thrax' inventory.
DLC: Civilization V: Cradle of Civilization - DLC Bundle - Suggested Donation
Requires the base game Sid Meier's Civilization® V on Steam in order to play. Steam gift from Thrax' inventory.
Game: Orcs Must Die! - Suggested Donation $5
Gotta kill 'em all! Steam gift from GnomeQueen's inventory.
IC Badge: Everyone that donates to the Server fund will receive the Team Captain badge that they can proudly display on their profile. Make sure if you make a donation to head to the badge page and request it.

How to Pay: Click below

If you have any any fun ideas for items or anything you would like to donate to the fund raiser, throw me a PM and we will make it happen.
Rock on!

Items given away for donations:
Games: Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! Special Edition Double Pack - Suggested Donation $5
Steam gift from Thrax' inventory.
Ilriyas' Flamingo Kid - Suggested Donation $30
This is no normal hat. This Canadian put in work beta testing Super Monday Night Combat to get this hat. It's so special that it will have to be gifted from Illy himself and have "Gifted by: {IC} Ilriyas" in its description. The name will dynamically change with his in-game name so that he may troll while playing eh. (Turned out to not be giftable
Random Hat - Suggested Donation $10
During TF2sday Digi will provide you with 3 refined which you will then craft into a random hat in front of everyone.
Steam gift from Thrax' inventory.
Ilriyas' Flamingo Kid - Suggested Donation $30
This is no normal hat. This Canadian put in work beta testing Super Monday Night Combat to get this hat. It's so special that it will have to be gifted from Illy himself and have "Gifted by: {IC} Ilriyas" in its description. The name will dynamically change with his in-game name so that he may troll while playing eh. (Turned out to not be giftable

Random Hat - Suggested Donation $10
During TF2sday Digi will provide you with 3 refined which you will then craft into a random hat in front of everyone.
Edit: Added Clan Pay link to OP. Ping @oni_dels
!beer @CannonFodder for the donation!
BroFist to @Cola as his Purple Rain joins the ranks of hats that you can proudly adorn with a donation.
It's not too special just a beta award but it looks nice.
If you already donated and want some swag, just let me know!