Friday or Saturday Night Gear UP Raids

LevexLevex Animal WhispererIowa Icrontian

OK so a few of us talked about making this thing happen. I know not everyone is on the forums yet or there are some newer WOW guildies on the forums, so PLEASE spread the word via mumble or guild chat. There are several people who are interested in getting some bosses knocked down for gear/items for our regular Raid nights on Sunday and Monday. Riff has offered to tank/RL in co-op hopefully with Doc. SO I am being active and posting this to see how many of you would be interested in doing a GEAR Raid night on Friday or Saturday evenings. So let's take a minute and talk about which night works best for everyone and who is interested in coming. EVERYONE is welcome!!!! Please comment below with the day you would prefer and we can try to make plans that work best for everyone. This upcoming weekend, Jan 30th (Saturday), Doc and I will be unavailable to Raid but would possibly be available on January 29th (Friday) to help with gear. Personally I need my heroic tier gloves from Soc, so I am down to help everyone who needs it! Please post below if you are interested in Friday or Saturday this week and then also which day works best for you in future events and HOPEFULLY we can make this a semi regular thing until everyone is MAX geared!!!!



  • DarthraidersDarthraiders Palm Bay, Florida Member

    If I'm on you know I'll be down for it.

  • TushonTushon I'm scared, Coach Alexandria, VA Icrontian

    I know that I could use gear up runs. Friday/Saturday are not generally my best days, but I could probably make some work. Tuesday would be okay, but three days in a row of WoW could be intense. I'll see how it shakes out and show up when I can.

  • LevexLevex Animal Whisperer Iowa Icrontian

    Maybe we can get you a spot when we raid with Rage on Tuesday nights Tushon! If you are interested let me know or message me on Tuesday night. A bunch of us from Icrontic go and could definitely send an invite your way!

  • Creeperbane2Creeperbane2 Victorian Scoundrel Indianapolis, IN Icrontian

    Sounds good, started a Gnome DK to hook up with the crew needs to get some catching up to everyone else done.

  • SazbeanSazbean Madam President has a nice ring to it Chelsea, MI Icrontian

    Thanks Levex for organizing this!

    If I'm around, I'm always happy to help -- that goes for dungeons or whatever needs to be tanked. I really can't commit to Fri or Sat since they tend to be family nights, but I will help whenever I can.

    If any of you need any help that a tank can provide, please ask at any time. I'm happy to help. :)

  • Can't really commit to either day, but If I'm around you know I'll be on. I can definitely benefit from practically any boss in there. But I love the idea of making this a regular thing.

  • MyrmidonMyrmidon Baron von Puttenham California Icrontian

    Will seldom be around these days, but if I am, how do you feel about alts?

  • LevexLevex Animal Whisperer Iowa Icrontian

    I think that alts are ok, I mean I might have one or 2 here soon as well!!

  • I would definitely be interested. I know I am one of the way undergeared ones (still rocking a T17 4-set!) so even though weekends aren't the greatest I'll still be there. Are you thinking normal raid times or maybe earlier?

  • LevexLevex Animal Whisperer Iowa Icrontian

    We definitely want to be flexible and try to schedule days and times to maximize the benefits for the whole group. We won't be starting until the first weekend of February as many people already have plans for this upcoming weekend. That being said what times work best for everyone?

  • MytchMytch The Heights, MI Icrontian

    I'm down, though I will say if I'm being super-bombarded by texts to go out I may have to relent eventually.

  • LevexLevex Animal Whisperer Iowa Icrontian

    Just a quick reminder, since this is still being established, the first Fun Run Gear Night for mains or alts will be on Saturday Feb 6th. We still need to figure out a time that works best for everyone. Also depending on how many alts we have will need to determine if we will be starting on Normal or Heroic. As I said before, at some point I will be gearing a Druid Tank alt, so this may be something, HOPEFULLY, that goes on for a little while. So please please please let me know what times work best for you, so we can get this up and running a week from tomorrow!!!!

  • Creeperbane2Creeperbane2 Victorian Scoundrel Indianapolis, IN Icrontian

    @Levex said:
    Just a quick reminder, since this is still being established, the first Fun Run Gear Night for mains or alts will be on Saturday Feb 6th. We still need to figure out a time that works best for everyone. Also depending on how many alts we have will need to determine if we will be starting on Normal or Heroic. As I said before, at some point I will be gearing a Druid Tank alt, so this may be something, HOPEFULLY, that goes on for a little while. So please please please let me know what times work best for you, so we can get this up and running a week from tomorrow!!!!

    Where at, what lv range?

  • LevexLevex Animal Whisperer Iowa Icrontian

    Hellfire Citadel, what is your current gear level? Depending on how many mains vs alts we have will determine if we start on Normal or Heroic. There are no current restrictions as the goal is to help people catch up or get their last few items. We are still trying to organize so it helps out as many as possible!

  • Creeperbane2Creeperbane2 Victorian Scoundrel Indianapolis, IN Icrontian
    edited January 2016

    56, I till need to get out of the DK tarting area though, game keeps dropping server or I'd already be to outlands. Not sure if wifi or windows 10 tho. Wait, The Legion version or the Warlords version?

  • LevexLevex Animal Whisperer Iowa Icrontian

    These raids are for lvl 100, but shout out if you need a friend to knock down baddies in dungeons! I have a lvl 67 dk, so let me know when you catch up!

  • I am all in. I am good on the weekends and some weeknights, it all depends on my wife's work schedule. On Fri-Sat-Sun, the later in the evening the better for me, I may have to join in a little late depending on what time I can get my kids to sleep!

  • LevexLevex Animal Whisperer Iowa Icrontian

    That's great! Once I get a chance to talk to Riff, who offered to host these events, I should be able to narrow out the details!

  • LevexLevex Animal Whisperer Iowa Icrontian

    OK, so Saturday Feb 6th at & CST we will be running a HFC. Everyone is welcome to come, we will decide if it will be a Normal or Heroic run once everyone shows up and we can look at numbers of mains vs alts! Hope to see you all there!!!

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

    Assuming & CST is 7 CST?

  • LevexLevex Animal Whisperer Iowa Icrontian

    LOL YES! 7 pm CST

  • LevexLevex Animal Whisperer Iowa Icrontian

    Thanks to everyone who came tonight! We got a lot of gear for a lot of people and we had a lot of fun! Super happy that we made it all the way through Gorefiend! Grats to everyone who got gear! We plan to run HHFC 1st floor again next Saturday at 7 cst! Can't wait to see you all there!

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