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Thanks for sticking with us for 2 years.June 2018
doabarrellroll, LeahVoice, RyanMM, Chooch, Colgere and 27 others earned the Expo Icrontic 2018 badge.Attended the 15th annual Expo Icrontic in Detroit, MIJune 2018
Mentioning someone in a discussion (like this: @Name) is a great way to encourage dialog and let them know who you’re talking to.June 2018
sneakypurples was promoted to Icrontian.June 2018
Massalinie earned the Icrontic New Year badge.You've rung in the new year at ICHQ with your online family!June 2018
RyanMM earned the 250 Awesomes badge.You received 250 Awesomes. Are you gaming the awesome system? Awesome!June 2018
Sponsored or co-sponsored a room at ICHQ: Detroit, or contributed to the general rebuild fund.June 2018
DontCallMeKelso earned the ICHQ Guild Member badge.Sponsored or co-sponsored a room at ICHQ: Detroit, or contributed to the general rebuild fund.June 2018
The_Ischyros earned the I Exist! badge.Have met another Icrontian in real life that you didn't know prior to joining.June 2018
The_Ischyros was promoted to Member.You may now edit your posts for a full day after posting and may create a custom user title.June 2018
The_Ischyros earned the Photogenic badge.Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Thanks!June 2018
Jokke earned the Classically Trained badge.You're the real deal. A gamer since before it was cool.June 2018
Goatmonger earned the Photogenic badge.Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Thanks!June 2018
Goatmonger earned the I Exist! badge.Have met another Icrontian in real life that you didn't know prior to joining.June 2018
SpacePenguin earned the First Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for a full year.June 2018
SpacePenguin earned the Second Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 2 years.June 2018
SpacePenguin earned the Fourth Anniversary badge.Thanks for sticking with us for 4 years.June 2018