Recent Activity
Activity List
Sonorous earned the Networking Expert badge.If you know the wire order of the TIA-568B cable standard, you're on your way to getting this badge. If you can tell us the fifth layer of the OSI model, you've got it.July 2016
The person the whole family calls for computer help! or: yes, you can trust the advice coming from this personJuly 2016
You have theorycrafted or preached about optimal gameplay strategies to other Icrontians. Spencer would be proud.July 2016
You've played Mann vs. Machine mode of Team Fortress 2 with other IcrontiansJuly 2016
You've discussed college or pro football with other Icrontic fans. AMERICAN FOOTBALL, DUH.July 2016
You've shared a game recommendation on the Icrontic Steam groupJuly 2016
FreshyP earned the Elder Scrolls badge.Have participated in Elder Scrolls-related discussions on IcronticJuly 2016
Jokke earned the Athletics! badge.You've engaged in a sporting, strenuous, or otherwise athletic activity with other Icrontians (IN REAL LIFE, NO LESS)July 2016
The_Gentleman earned the Lord of ICHQ badge.Have helped improve ICHQ with your manual labor. You Rock.July 2016
DontCallMeKelso earned the Icrontagion badge.Have infected the Icrontic community with an awesome game.July 2016
Levex, UPSKingpin, cola, TiberiusLazarus, DontCallMeKelso and primesuspect earned the Golf With Your Friends badge.Played Golf With Your Friends and didn't break any of your hardware by throwing it in angerJuly 2016
mertesn earned the DIY Haxx0r badge.Has completed a great "do it yourself" tech project and documented it on Icrontic.July 2016
elyxandra was promoted to Icrontian.July 2016
SailorDoom earned the System Builder badge.Built own system with input or help from Icrontic's community.July 2016
drasnor earned the One Hundred.MILLION.Points badge.You've provided Team 93 with enough "Supercomputing" power to generate 100 MILLION points. We can harness this "supercomputer" to militarize artificial "satellites" around the Earth which we will deploy in "space" to conquer the globe.June 2016
My pokemans. Let me show you them.June 2016
You've fought against the Omnium by joining Overwatch with your fellow IcrontiansJune 2016
_k earned the Thread Necro Champion badge.Have resurrected a thread that is over three years old.June 2016
elyxandra earned the Backlog Shame Badge badge.You have a shameful backlog, but at least you've participated in the Shameful Backlog CompetitionJune 2016
DontCallMeKelso earned the 100 LOLs badge.You received 100 LOLs. You are just a regular comedian, aren't you?June 2016
drasnor earned the System Builder badge.Built own system with input or help from Icrontic's community.June 2016
drasnor earned the ICHQ Guild Member badge.Sponsored or co-sponsored a room at ICHQ: Detroit, or contributed to the general rebuild fund.June 2016
drasnor earned the Athletics! badge.You've engaged in a sporting, strenuous, or otherwise athletic activity with other Icrontians (IN REAL LIFE, NO LESS)June 2016
Embodies the qualities of an outstanding Icrontic community member: friendly, helpful, and trustworthy.June 2016