Recent Activity

Activity List

  • Nemikan
    Nemikan earned the Pokébadge badge.
    My pokemans. Let me show you them.
    July 2016
  • Shorty
    Shorty earned the Photogenic badge.
    Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Thanks!
    July 2016
  • Shorty
    Shorty changed his profile picture.
    July 2016
  • Jokke
    Jokke and Levex earned the Team Fortress 2 badge.
    Have played Team Fortress 2 on the Icrontic server with other Icrontians.
    July 2016
  • Levex
    Levex and Farge earned the Combo Breaker badge.
    Earned badges for 5 different things in one day (now you can say it was 6!).
    July 2016
  • Levex
    Levex earned the Social Butterfly badge.
    Have shared Icrontic content with Twitter
    July 2016
  • Levex
    Levex and Farge earned the Wine Snob badge.
    A complex palate with an avocado-like tang and a smoky, lobster bisque finish...
    July 2016
  • Levex
    Levex earned the Guild Wars 2 badge.
    Have played Guild Wars 2 or discussed it with Icrontians
    July 2016
  • Requit
    Requit earned the Comfy Truck Challenge badge.
    Have played Euro Truck Simulator II in a "Comfy Truck Challenge" with the crew.
    July 2016
  • Requit
    Requit, cola and Tushon earned the Crasino Hunks badge.
    Who invented grambling? Probaly some hunk who said, "Wanna bet?"

    You've played Four Kings Casino with Icrontians and what even is gramble.
    July 2016
  • cola
    cola earned the Rocket League badge.
    You've played Rocket League with other Icrontians
    July 2016
  • cola
    Have attended any ICSP (2008 to present)
    July 2016
  • cola
    cola earned the Icrontic New Year badge.
    You've rung in the new year at ICHQ with your online family!
    July 2016
  • cola
    cola, MiracleManS, MAGIC, GnomeWizardd, l3it3r and 17 others earned the IC Renn Faire badge.
    You've attended the annual IC Rennfaire event in Maryland
    July 2016
  • cola
    cola, Farge and QCH earned the I really love Minecraft badge.
    You've played in an Icrontic organized Minecraft event
    July 2016
  • cola
    cola earned the Evolved badge.
    Have played Evolve with other Icrontians
    July 2016
  • cola
    You have shared your expertise of "the higher spirits" with the community, or had some boozin' with Keebs or Prime.
    July 2016
  • Basil
    Basil, Farge, QCH, AlexDeGruven and Snarkasm earned the Mumble Me badge.
    You've hung out on the Icrontic Mumble server and talked with your pals... or just trolled...
    July 2016
  • Farge
    Farge and Tushon earned the Spread the Word badge.
    Have referred someone to become an Icrontic member
    July 2016
  • Farge
    Farge, Susurro, mertesn, Tushon and Snarkasm earned the Overwatch badge.
    You've fought against the Omnium by joining Overwatch with your fellow Icrontians
    July 2016
  • Farge
    Farge earned the Couch Conqueror badge.
    Have crashed at another Icrontian's house
    July 2016
  • BlackHawk
    BlackHawk earned the !beerme badge.
    Have shown outstanding taste in beer, participated in beer-review discussions, or have bought copious amounts of it for the enjoyment of other Icrontians.
    July 2016
  • CB
    CB and QCH earned the Graceful Exit badge.
    Retire from Icrontic's staff after serving for a year or more.
    July 2016
  • QCH
    QCH and mertesn earned the Expo Icrontic 2015 badge.
    Attending Expo Icrontic 2015 in Detroit, Michigan, the 12th annual extravaganza!
    July 2016
  • QCH
    You Like Icrontic on Facebook. Thanks!
    July 2016
  • QCH
    QCH earned the Minecrafter badge.
    You've played Minecraft with other Icrontians
    July 2016
  • QCH
    QCH earned the The Team Captain badge.
    You've answered the call. You've Manned up. You've contributed to the TF2 server. Your community thanks you.
    July 2016
  • elyxandra
    You've written a Yelp review for an Icrontic event, food tour stop, or other Icrontic-related goodness.
    July 2016
  • elyxandra
    You've participated in boardgame play with other Icrontians
    July 2016
  • QCH
    QCH earned the Review Writer badge.
    Write an in-depth hardware, software, or game review that is published on Icrontic.
    July 2016