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Re: Deepmind and what it means for the future of folding
When I first read that news my big take away was they figured out how to do correct computer modeling of the protein. If they can figure out how to translate that into a more standardized model everyone can run then no. Even doing the work in the lab is super hard. f@h resimulating proteins already done and giving confirmation to existing work would be huge since experimental sciences are very hard to reproduce. Real impact on our lives I do not believe f@h has an effective ROI but I still do it for now.
Re: Time to say goodbye to the Phenom II and finally upgrade
Yeah dude I agree with FreeC8675: An m.2 SSD upgrade would be super noticeable and is not that much more. SO fast
Re: Introducing the new ICHQ
@primesuspect said:
@Linc said:
I think it would be very challenging to sell the house for over $110,000, even fixed up, in the next 5-10 years. The average range in Woodbridge seems to be 65-80K. Not that I'm selling it any time this decade.👀
Well, that was before I found a pile of money and then bootstrapped my way thru 3 mortgages. Yeah it's easily triple that now, but the debt scaled with it sooooooooo.
Re: New Star Trek TV Series (update - Star Trek: Discovery)
@CB said:
I know that it's still a ways off and there is still a lot to learn about the show, but all I really want to know right now is what time period they are thinking of setting the show in.I really hope that they go into the farther future of the Star Trek story:
Thus: The best time to set the new series is ahead of all existing series by at least 200 years (but even better more like 500 years). That's plenty of time to distance the plot from the other eras, and allow the writers to sort of refer to those stories in a vague enough way that they don't have to commit to specific changes
So, it's not exactly as I imagined it, but Discovery is now pretty close to the Trek that I wanted it to be.
Re: 24 GB RAM motherboards - what OS?
@MachineDog said:
I approve of this quoting! I'm betting people start reaching the point where they have 4x2 video cards with 12-24GB of memory each and systems with many times the memory we have now by 2020. Though, I'm willing to believe we have a completely different architecture in how computers work by 2020. We'll have SSDs as fast as our DDR3
Re: BAKE ALL THE THINGS in October with Massalinie and GQ!
Hint hint, if you've baked anything this month you qualify for the contest! (@humerusmeg)
Re: F@h-La-La-La-La
Makes me really want a 3080 now