
  • oni_delsoni_dels Drunk French Canadian Montréal, Québec. Icrontian

    dat xenomorph taunt doe

  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian

    Short of it:

    $1.99 for the pass, activating the pass gives you a kill counter for the event and activates 2 new crates in your drop list

    The crates are selling for multiple times the price of the pass so if you activate a pass and get lucky, you can instantly make your Steam Wallet back with profit.

    You still have to pay $2.49 for keys to open the crates

    The crates contain 4-6 new weapons and a handful of new accessories.

    You may only be able to get the new weps from the crates currently. I don't have info on their stats currently. I would be really surprised if they weapons were not in the normal drop list currently or at least after the event. The ones from the crates are probably Strange quality.

    There are no CS:GO type weapon skins in this event like GunMettle.


  • pigflipperpigflipper The Forgotten Coast Icrontian

    Nickle and Dime is the reason I stopped playing TF2

  • oni_delsoni_dels Drunk French Canadian Montréal, Québec. Icrontian

    Batsabber= scout's bat
    Shooting Star= sniper's Machina
    C.A.P.P.E.R= scout's and engie's pistol
    Giger Counter= engie's Wrangler

  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian

    @pigflipper said:
    Nickle and Dime is the reason I stopped playing TF2

    Cool story Bro. You stopped playing earlier this year when LoEI ended.

    Do you not eat at restaurants that offer $150 bottles of wine that don't effect your dinning experience if you don't buy it?

    Don't smoke because there are shops that offer $75 cigars even though your smooking experience will not be effected by you not buying it?

    Oh hey... look at your most played game recently, the game you are logged into even currently, huh? What do you know? A game that offers micro-transactions.

    I'm all for a good thread crap, but sorry dude 0/10, do not care. Your loss.


  • Another way of putting it, I made $15 off the last update and it paid for my invasion ticket. Regardless of cash I had fun with new stuff. Invasion has new maps. I love new maps! Also, spooky!

  • KarmaKarma Likes yoga Icrontian

    What's the tie in? Seems ripe for another game tie in.

  • You guys the new playmode where you feed beer to the aliens is incredibly fun. Can we all play this together at some point? You don't need to buy anything to access the new levels,gameplay modes, etc.

  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian

    I bought my pass last night. I didn't understand what was going on in the new game mode but I'm ready to learn.

  • I tried the map where you float up to send beer to the aliens. I was a little lost at how to obtain the beer. I guess that is the most important thing, obtaining beer.

  • So you kill someone, and they drop a beer. You pick it up. Now you are worth 2 beer (yours and the one the dead guy dropped). Go around picking up as much beer as possible, and when the UFO comes jump in the green beam and start turning it in. The team leader of each team (the person who currently has the most beer) will be shown through walls basically so you have to expect the entire other team to come after you when you have the most beer.

    The best strategy I have is to gather up a bunch of beer, become team leader, and go turtle wherever the engies are setup until the UFO comes around.

  • So if I kill the guy with the most beer, pick up his beer, I get all the beer?

  • @Cliff_Forster said:
    So if I kill the guy with the most beer, pick up his beer, I get all the beer?

    Correct. All of the beer!

  • I like this game.

  • oni_delsoni_dels Drunk French Canadian Montréal, Québec. Icrontian

    @Cliff_Forster said:
    So if I kill the guy with the most beer, pick up his beer, I get all the beer?

    just like in real life.

  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian

    I don't get this update. You are trying to stop the alien invasion by fighting each other to blow up the alien ship. Watergate is killing me because it is so tight; everything looks clear as I engage a player then demoknight/spy buttsex. The fact that you have 2fort, the pd map, and the koth map all with relatively poor sight lines means there is a bunch of snap kills happening. Watergate always turns into sentrie or soldier spam.

    Why beer? Is valve telling us that drinking will slowly kill you? Did MADD pay for this update? I have yet to be attacked by one alien in game so it appears to be more war clamoring about WMDs!

  • KarmaKarma Likes yoga Icrontian

    @PirateNinja said:
    So you kill someone, and they drop a beer. You pick it up. Now you are worth 2 beer (yours and the one the dead guy dropped). Go around picking up as much beer as possible, and when the UFO comes jump in the green beam and start turning it in. The team leader of each team (the person who currently has the most beer) will be shown through walls basically so you have to expect the entire other team to come after you when you have the most beer.

    The best strategy I have is to gather up a bunch of beer, become team leader, and go turtle wherever the engies are setup until the UFO comes around.

    I played when i was bored at work again. I had like 70 beer bottles and couldn't figure out what to do with them. People just kept running towards me I kept killing them while being healed. I think my team was just yelling at me.

  • KarmaKarma Likes yoga Icrontian


  • I got a case, I sold it -- another profitable patch.

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